Page 127 - Trump Never Give Up: How I Turned My Biggest Challenges into Success
P. 127

trum_c26.qxd  11/30/07  4:05 PM  Page 106


                                  D ON’ T G ET

                              C OMPLACENT—

                           T HINKING Y OU’ RE

                       F OOLPROOF I SA G OOD

                      WAY T O S ET Y OURSELF

                       U P FOR A B IG M ISTAKE

                     Ho w Ne w Tr ump Projec t s Happe n

                    he Trump Organization currently has 33 real estate proj-
               Tects in development worldwide. That’s a lot of buildings,
               and managing these projects requires a lot of travel. I’m very
               grateful that my three eldest children, Don Jr., Ivanka, and Eric
               are on board now to help out and take trips to places like India,

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