Page 178 - Trump Never Give Up: How I Turned My Biggest Challenges into Success
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ou’ve heard me emphasize the importance of keeping
Yinformed about global events, which includes political as
well as financial news. I’d like to recommend to you a book that
was published in 2007 that reinforces the importance of think-
ing internationally. It’s called Microtrends: The Small Forces
Behind Tomorrow’s Big Changes. It’s written by Mark J. Penn who
is a highly respected analyst who has been an adviser to Fortune
500 corporations and to many foreign heads of state. He has an
insight into both national and international trends and events
that shape our future. Bill Gates said, “Penn has a keen mind
and a fascinating sense of what makes America and the world
tick, and you see it on every page.”
Penn has a chapter on international home buyers. Being in
real estate, I took a special interest in what he had to say. Penn
astutely points out that foreign ownership of residential real