Page 162 - The Way to the Top
P. 162


                             Copartner and CEO of Maverick Recording Company

                Four people have given me sound nuggets of wisdom that have helped me
                keep business in perspective.

                   When I was nineteen, I complained to David Geffen about some other

                people in the entertainment business who were making a lot of money and
                who I didn’t think deserved it. David turned to me and said, “You need to
                be  a  racehorse.  Do  you  know  what  racehorses  do?”  I  answered,  “They
                race.” David replied, “No, they wear blinders! If they looked to the left or
                right, they would lose. Don’t look to the left and don’t look to the right.

                Wear blinders and race your own race!”

                   One day, when my Kabbalah teacher, Eitan Yardeni, asked how I was
                doing,  I  told  him  I  needed  a  break.  I  was  thoroughly  exhausted,
                overwhelmed, and overworked. Eitan then said, “Do you know what you

                should do now?” I thought he was going to encourage me to take some
                time off. But instead he replied, “No, go work harder! Be careful what you
                ask for because you may get it.” Eitan was right. If I ask for a break, God
                may hear me and I may get one—a long one. I took this advice to heart

                and started to work even harder.

                   At  lunch  one  day  with  my  friend  Ron  Burkle,  I  shared  with  him  my
                disappointment  over  a  particular  investment  and  what  a  big  mistake  it
                turned out to be. He told me, “It’s only a mistake if you haven’t learned

                anything from it.” It’s such a simple comment, but it helped me move on
                and not beat myself up for the loss.

                   And finally, I was chatting with my best friend Anthony Kiedis one day,
                and I asked him how he was doing. He replied, “I have a roof over my
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