Page 23 - Why We Want You To Be Rich - Donald Trump, Robert Kiyosaki.pdf
P. 23
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Robert's View:
Chicago: November 6, 2005
It isearlySunday afternoon. Tens ofthousands ofpeople are attending a
large Real Estate Exposition put on by The LearningAnnex in Chicago. The
convention hall is filled with exhibits and displays of wealth-building
investments and opportunities. In smaller classrooms, instructors are sharing
their knowledge and wisdom about how the attendees can build their own
personal fortunes. The cavernous hall is filled with a buzz that iscontagious.
People are excited about what they are learning and how it can alter their
financial destinies.
Backstage, in the large room where the production crews are working,
there isadifferent excitement. It isa quiet, electric excitement. A long, black
limousine has pulled up and people have begun ro whisper, "He's here!
Donald Trump has arrived."
I am standing with my partner and co-author, Sharon Lechter, in the
green room, a private lounge where the main speakers wait before going
onstage, so I do not see the limo arrive. But when I see two police officersgo
past the door ofthe green room, I know Donald Trump is about to enter. I
hurry out to make way for him and his approaching entourage.
Standingoutside the green room, I can seea tall, imposing figurestepping
OUt of the limo. It could only be Donald Trump, his silhouette known to
millions of The Apprentice viewers from around the world. Those of us
fortunate enough to have backstage passes spontaneously form two lines.