Page 33 - Why We Want You To Be Rich - Donald Trump, Robert Kiyosaki.pdf
P. 33


       afford their college educations."
           "So they are asset-rich and cash-poor;' said Donald.
           "Yes. They are millionaires on paper, but very middle classin reality.Ifone
       ofthem or their children becomes ill, they could easily slip into poverty."
          "That does happen to a lot ofpeople, especially after they retire and stop
       working. They have to selleverything if they become ill,just to survive;' added
       Donald with a somber tone.
          "And the problem will grow as the baby-boom generation retires in a few
          "Yes, I know;' said Donald. "Even more than Social Security, Medicare is
       the biggest debt our nation bears. I don't know how we will afford to pay for
       75 million new retirees, their health care, their medicine and their long-term
       care once they gtoW really old. I worry about my kids' generation and how
       they will afford to pay for our generation's financial dependence upon our
          "Maybe that is what we should write about;' I said.
          "Well, I already did write about it in TheAmerica Tfe Deserve.Though it
       never got the readership I would have liked. I think it was my best book
       becauseit was about the problems we face, not just about getting rich. But it
       didn't sell nearly as many copies as my other books."
          "I had one of those books, too," I said. "It was Rich Dad's Prophecy,
       released in 2002. It's about the demise of the stock market when baby
       boomers retire and the inadequacies ofour 401 (k) plans. It's also about how
       a lot ofworkers will lose their pensions and retirement in the near future."
          "And it didn't sell either?" asked Donald.
          "No. Like your book, many people said it was my best book, yet it didn't
       selllike it. But even worse was the Wall Street publications that didn't believe
          "What happened?" asked Donald.
          "It upset me for a while. And frustrated me. Then, just a few months ago,
       both the New JOrk Times Magazine and TIME Magazine ran cover stories
       sayingalmost the same things I was saying in 2002:'
          "And what did they say?" asked Donald.

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