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                                            Photographs cou rtesy of Scott Duncan, The Trump Organization and
                                            the Rich Dad Company, with special thanks to Scott Duncan.

                                            Copyr ight © 2006 by Donald J. Trump and RobertT. Kiyosaki.
                                            All rights reserved.
                                            Trump, Trump Organization and Trump University are trademarks of the Trump
                                            Organizati on. CASH FLOW, Rich D ad, Rich Dad's Advisors, Rich D ad's
                                            Seminars, The Cashflow Quadrant (The ESBI Symbol), B-1 Triangle are registered
                                            trad emarks of CASHFLOW Technologies, Inc. Rich Woman is a registered
                                            trademark of Rich Woman, LLC.

                                             E B    !ill  \'.~                  are trademarks of
                                              S I   SlT ---s\\                  Cashflow Technologies, Inc

                                            Published by ~~ICtlPRESS'  An Imprint of Rich Publishing, LLC.

                                            Di stributed by Publishers Group W est.

                                            Visit our Web sites at w w and www.ri,
                                            and www.richw

                                            ISBN: 1-933914-02-5
                                            First Edition: October 2006

                                            Cover design and layout: Melanie Wilke and Kevin Stock
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