Page 103 - [George_Ross,_Andrew_James_McLean,_Donald_J._Trump(BookFi)
P. 103
Improve Your Knowledge of Human Nature
Many of the following basic truths may seem obvious and simplistic
to you but I doubt you have spent a substantial amount of time an-
alyzing the impact they have on the outcome of negotiations.
Researchers in the field of negotiation have done extensive, com-
prehensive experiments to prove the validity of these concepts. I
cannot stress too strongly that the time you spend making them
part of your base of knowledge is time well spent. It will be ex-
tremely helpful in your future negotiations.
• Create exclusivity. I mentioned this in Chapter 3 but it’s so im-
portant it warrants repeating: People want what they can’t have
or somebody else wants. If someone announces: “That’s not for
sale at any price” everyone thinks that there must be some price
at which it can be bought. This concept is found at the heart of
all auctions. The more bidders for an item, the higher the bids
and the more spirited the bidders.
• People become overwhelmed when they are faced with too many deci-
sions. Once you accept this fact you can easily understand why it
is best to use a “little at a time” approach. Just imagine that you
want someone to swallow a pill the size of a golf ball. If you
tried to give it to him at one time, he would choke on it. If,
however, you cut the pill up into little pieces and gave it to him
at various intervals, he would swallow the entire pill and never
realize what you made him do.
• The “aura of legitimacy” phenomena. I discussed this extremely im-
portant topic in Chapter 3. If you’re still unclear about its power
to work for you or against you, I suggest you reread that chapter.
• Satisfaction. Everyone in a negotiating situation has a “need for
satisfaction.” People want to believe that they have conducted a
successful negotiation and have won hard fought concessions