Page 43 - [George_Ross,_Andrew_James_McLean,_Donald_J._Trump(BookFi)
P. 43


                   profitable projects have been those such as 40 Wall Street (to be dis-
                   cussed later in the book) where he picked up a property for very little
                   because a string of earlier investors had failed with the property—
                   and only he had the tenacity and vision to make it work. Everything
                   that is really successful was the result of hard work that nobody else
                   wanted to do. The only thing that held the whole Commodore-Hyatt
                   deal together was Trump’s tenacity—he was like a hungry pit bull.
                       For example, during early negotiations with New York City over
                   theCommodore Hotel, one of the city’s key concerns was who would
                   runthisnew hotel. They said, “You say you’re going to pay us rent,
                   and that you’re going to give usashareoftheprofits,butwhatdo
                   you, Donald Trump, know about running a first-class hotel?” And at
                   first, he didn’t have an answer. But he said, “All right, I’ll go out and
                   get a major player to run it.” And the city responded with, “Okay, if
                   you bring in a major hotel operator, we’ll go along with it.” That ten-
                   tative commitment from the city gave him a strong position from
                   which to negotiate with a hotel company, and he ended up bringing in
                   Hyatt as a partner. Once again his tenacity helped him turn a road-
                   block into anadditional benefit for this investment.
                       One ofthe biggest roadblocks the small investor will encounter is
                   themortgage lender. Tenacity can help a lot here. If the first lender
                   you approach denies you a loan, keep trying with other lenders. Make
                   inquiries with friends and neighbors about who is making mortgage
                   loansin your neighborhood. If you look hard enough, you will find a
                   lender, though you may have to pay a premium for the loan.
                       Another potential roadblock could be a stubborn seller. Here you
                   have to find out exactly why he or she does not want to sell, then in a
                   determined way, answer each issue.
                       Other possible roadblocks could be denial of a zoning variance or
                   a building permit. Again, you have to approach the problem tena-
                   ciously. Find out what the bureaucrats’ specific concerns with your
                   plans are, then address these issues.

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