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11  Vitamin D and Hematologic Malignancies                      259

            Table 11.2  Molecular effects of vitamin D compounds in leukemic cells a
            Cell cycle/apoptosis         Oncogenes            Transcription factors
            Cyclin A ↑                   c-myc ↓              C/EBP b ↑
            Cyclin D1 ↑                  Dek ↓                PU.l ↑
            Cyclin E ↑                   Fli ↓                IRF8 b ↑
            CDKN1A (p21) ↑               Protooncogenes       HoxA10 ↑
            CDKN1B (p27) ↑               c-fms ↓              HoxB4 ↑
            CDKN2A (p16-INK4A) ↑         Tumor Suppressors    AP-l   ↑
            CDKN2B (p15-INK4B) ↑         PTEN ↑               junD binding activity ↑
            CDKN2C (p18-INK4C) ↑         BTG ↑                TRAP ↑
            Bcl-2 ↓                      Kinases              TEL2 ↓
            Differentiation Markers      PKC levels ↑         Feedback Control
            CD11b ↑                      PI3-K activity ↑     Cyp24 ↑
            CD14 ↑                       AKT activity ↑       Immunity
            Protein synthesis and transport  MAPK activity ↑  CAMP ↑
            eIF-2 ↓                      ERK 1/2 activity ↑
            Importins ↓                  KSR-1,-2 activity ↑
            Exportins -1,-5,-7, -t ↓
            a Regulation  of  expression  or  activity  may  occur  either  directly  or  as  a  consequence  of
              differentiation. See text for details
            b Putative components of AP-1 complex are c-jun, ATF-2, jun-B and fos-B

            myelomonoblastic leukemia cells within 24 h of 1,25(OH) D  -treatment and then
            expression decreases after 48 h [57]. The cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK) inhibitors
            CDKN1A (p21) and CDKN1B (p27) are important regulators of the cell cycle which
            are elevated during periods of both proliferation and growth inhibition. Expression
            of these proteins, as well as CDKN2A (p16-INK4A), CDKN2B (p15-INK4B) and
            CDKN2C (p18-INK4C) CDK inhibitors are increased in a time-dependent manner
            after exposure to 1,25(OH) D  [59].
              A strong correlation exists between early induction of p21 and the beginning of
            the differentiation program. The up-regulation of p21 mRNA occurred within 4 h
            of the exposure to 1,25(OH) D  independent of de novo protein synthesis, suggest-
            ing a direct transcriptional activation by VDR [59]. Indeed, the p21 promoter con-
            tains a vitamin D response element, and induction requires the presence of VDR.
            Nevertheless, some data suggested that the marked increase of p21 protein expres-
            sion in response to 1,25(OH) D  may also be due to enhanced posttranscriptional
            stabilization of p21 mRNA [60]. The transcription factor p53 is a strong inducer of
            p21; but 1,25(OH) D  can elevate p21 levels independently of p53 activity.
              A strong up-regulation of p27 protein expression was evident after 72 h of expo-
            sure to the compound, and levels of the protein were dependent on the concentra-
            tion of 1,25(OH) D  [61]. This up-regulation was also associated with increased
            levels of Cyclins D1 and E, coinciding with a G1 arrest. These results suggested a
            prominent role of p27 in mediating the antiproliferative activity of 1,25(OH) D  in
            this cell line. The 1,25(OH) D  has a protective effect against apoptosis in HL-60
            cells [62, 63]. In other cell types, inhibition of apoptosis correlates with elevated
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