Page 12 - Think Like a Champion
P. 12

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                                                    by Robert Kiyosaki

                                    ne of the benefits of working with Donald is observing him
                               Oin action in real life. Over the years, I have gotten to know
                               the real Donald, as well as the “celebrity Donald.” I have found he
                               is the same person . . . In fact he is actually bigger in real life than
                               his celebrity.
                                  Working with him, I have observed him thinking, then listened
                               to his thoughts become words and his thoughts and words become
                               actions. In most instances, his thoughts, words, and actions are the
                               same. Maybe this is why he is direct and blunt. He can be blunt be-
                               cause his thoughts, words, and actions are integrated, congruent,
                               operating as one.
                                  Many of us know people who are, actually, three people. They
                               think one thing, say something else, and do not do what they say
                               or think. I have observed these kinds of people, who are really three
                               people, achieve limited success and live conflicted lives.
                                  In early 1980, I lost my first major business. Los ing everything
                               was as horrible as you might expect. Los ing every thing gave power
                               to the loser in me. Worst of all, I had lost confidence in myself. I
                               knew what I had to do, but for some reason I simply did not do
                               what I knew I had to do. My personal battle between 1980 and
                               1990 was to gain power over my own thoughts. To regain power

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