Page 192 - Think Like a Champion
P. 192

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                                              Diligence is the mother of good luck.
                                                    —Benjamin Franklin


                                           “The Harder I Work,
                                              the Luckier I Get”

                                 ’ve always been big on quotes, whether they’re mine or some-
                               Ione else’s, because very often they distill ideas down to their
                               essence. What Ben Franklin said many years ago could have been
                               said today, because it’s relevant and right on. We’ve all heard about
                               doing our “due diligence,” which is another way of being thor-
                               ough. It’s also the first step to bringing yourself some good luck.
                               What Gary Player, the great golfer, said—quoted above as the title
                               of this essay—remains solid nutshell advice that can apply to
                                  The mixed-use concept of hotel and condominiums has been
                               a huge success, starting with the first one I did in New York City
                               in the late 1990s, Trump International Hotel & Tower at 1 Cen-
                               tral Park West. Since then I’ve built hotel towers in Chicago and
                               Las Vegas, with many more in the works around the world. Our
                               tower in Waikiki was sold out in five hours, which is a record. Peo-
                               ple ask me, “How can you do so much?” and I have to say it really
                               isn’t luck, but doing due diligence and applying common sense.

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