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                                 Copyright © 2009 by Donald J. Trump
                                 Published by Vanguard Press
                                 A Member of the Perseus Books Group

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                                 Designed by Pauline Brown
                                 Set in 12 point Bembo

                                 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
                                 Trump, Donald, 1946–
                                   Think like a champion : an informal education in business and life
                                 / Donald J. Trump with Meredith McIver.
                                     p.  cm.
                                   Includes index.
                                   ISBN 978-1-59315-530-8 (hardcover : alk. paper)
                                   1. Success in business. 2. Success. 3. Success in business—United
                                 States. 4. Success—United States. I. McIver, Meredith. II. Title.
                                   HF5386.T814772 2009

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