Page 58 - Think Like a Champion
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For what is the best choice, for each individual,
is the highest it is possible for him to achieve.
Think Like
a Champion
hampions are born and champions are made. One definition
Cof a champion is someone who shows marked superiority.
Another definition is someone who is a winner of first prize or
first place in competition. We’ve all heard of Olympic champions,
and we’ve probably all seen a few on television. What comes to
mind when I see their amazing ability is the amount of training
they have endured, the sacrifices they’ve made, and the courage
they’ve had to have to get where they are. Those are some of the
attributes of a champion.
They also wanted to achieve something special. Ordinary
wouldn’t be enough for someone who has the mindset of a cham-
pion. Champions think big. Champions work in a big-time way.
Champions are focused. Champions are disciplined. Come to think
of it, champions think like champions. As Jack Dempsey said, “A
champion is someone who gets up when he can’t.”Let’s hope that
applies to you.