Page 50 - Midas Touch
P. 50

They want instant gratification so they go shopping when depressed, eat
                the  cupcake  when  they’re  bored,  take  a  drink  when  nervous,  watch  TV
                rather than study, quit when the going gets tough, lose their temper when
                they should bite their tongue, or blame others for their mistakes.

                In  case  you  haven’t  guessed  it  by  now,  intrapersonal  intelligence,  aka
                emotional intelligence or the success intelligence, is the most important
                intelligence for any entrepreneur.

                Can You Develop Intrapersonal Intelligence?
                The answer is yes, absolutely, but there is a catch-22. The catch is, it takes

                intrapersonal  intelligence  to  develop  intrapersonal  intelligence.  In  other
                words, the more challenges you face as an entrepreneur and the better you
                handle  those  challenges,  the  stronger  your  intrapersonal  intelligence
                becomes.  The  stronger  your  intrapersonal  intelligence,  the  better  an
                entrepreneur you will become. That is why becoming an entrepreneur is a
                lifetime personal-development educational process. Look at your thumb.
                Use it the next time you face a challenge to remember that what you are

                facing is your chance to gain strength of character and develop your Midas

                Points to Remember | Things to Do
                The thumb is all about strength, and it takes strength of character to be an

                entrepreneur. School smarts aren’t the same as street smarts.

                                  There are seven types of intelligence. The one most needed

                                  by  entrepreneurs  is  intrapersonal.  When  you  have  strong
                                  intrapersonal skills, you can control the self-talk that holds
                                  you back and undermines your success.
                                  Feedback happens whether you want it or not, so learn to

                                  take it and learn from it. Successful entrepreneurs welcome
                                  feedback and use it to their advantage.
                                  Being  an  entrepreneur  is  not  a  get-rich-quick  scheme.

                                  Sacrifices  are  part  of  the  journey.  It  takes  strength  of
                                  character to keep going.
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