Page 17 - Time to Get Tough
P. 17

eut ’ows mryq ’o t yt? No6 mfi xy–t4 t wy’vw ffy’w it –’wyr
                t wy  yvw fio ifitwfitiofi ox ’oifiy so6 Rvwr6

                                    T— Yte CvW Y—W; — Yte ? V—vyX

                   mfi      Wufiw        ?G;;4        ywffiut’i–yfi            Cofiyrwssffyfi               gyfiy
                yo ryty– wr ox Cy’ixorfiiy visitw’ mryq yfi’ to’’ mryqi vriffw
                aifiistwr Nouri y’Bay’i—i t yt  w  offiw’ mryq wou’’ soffw’yy
                –ofisi’wr  rwffiyyifiy  Tffwri–y  xor  y’’  our  sy–rifi–ws  ofi  mryq’s
                tw y’x6 n w vriffw aifiistwr’s rwsffiofisw wys to  yvw  is ffirwss

                sffio—wsffyfi4  T’i  y’Bgyttyy 4  –y’’  uffi  t w  —6z6  wfftyssy  yfi’
                syy  t yt  t wy  wyfitw’  t w  –ofiyrwssffyfi  to  ywt  out  ox  t wir
                –oufitry yfi’ t yt  is rwffyr—s wwrw “ifiyffiffiroffiriytw6”

                   Rx–usw ffw? mfiyffiffiroffiriytw? W yt’s “ifiyffiffiroffiriytw” is t w
                xy–t  t yt  Tffwri–y  ffiuts  uffi  wit   t is  yyrtyyw6  Ww’vw  sffiwfit
                t’oo’  yfi’  trwysurw  ’wxwfi’ifiy  t w  ffiwoffi’w  ox  t w  ai’’’w
                Ryst4 xroff mryq to Xuwyit to zyu’i Trytiy yfi’ t w sffy’’ ku’x
                stytws6 Tfi’ ix yfiy –oufitry ifi t w ai’’’w Ryst wofi’t sw’’ us

                t wir oi’ yt y xyir ffyr—wt ffiri–w—oi’ t yt ww ’is–ovwrw’4 ww
                ffiuffffiw’4  yfi’  ww  ffy’w  ffirofityt’w  xor  t w  –oufitriws  ox  t w
                ai’’’w Ryst ifi t w first ffi’y–w—ww  yvw wvwry riy t to ty—w

                   n w ifiyrytitu’w ox mryq’s ’wy’wrs iffi is trwyt ty—ifiy6 n is
                ywyr4 t w eyy ’y’ –ity yovwrfiffwfit wvwfi  y’ t w yu’y–ity
                to  ’wffyfi’  t yt  Tffwri–y  ffiyy  $;  ti’’iofi  xor  t w  ywst wti–
                ’yffyyw  –yusw’  ty  t’yst  wy’’s  ww  wrw–tw’  to  ffirotw–t  t w

                ffiwoffi’w ox eyy ’y’ xroff toffts6 n yt’s ’i—w y ’rowfiifiy ffyfi
                – yryifiy  y  ’ixwyuyr’  xor   yvifiy  torfi   is  swiffsuit  ifi  t w
                ffiro–wss ox syvifiy  is ’ixw6

                   kryfitw’4  wiy t  ywyrs  yyo  w wfi  ww  wwrw  to’’  t yt  ww
                wou’’  tw  yrwwtw’  ifi  t w  strwwts  ty  t w  mryqi  ffiwoffi’w  wit
                flowwrs yfi’ ww’–offw’ ys ’itwrytors4 m ’i’fi’t tuy it6 eut ys
                xyr ys m’ff –ofi–wrfiw’4 mryq –yfi —wwffi its flowwrs—t w oi’ is y
                ’iffwrwfit  ffyttwr6  Ww  s ou’’  ty—w  t w  oi’6  Tfi’   wrw’s  w yP
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