Page 39 - Time to Get Tough
P. 39

soffww wrw ifi t w fiwiy tor oo’ ox 4G to KG ffiwr–wfit ox its

                truw vy’uw6      ;A   n yt ffwyfis t w C ifiwsw –yfi – yryw uffi to  y’x
                t w  ffiri–w  yfi  Tffwri–yfi  ffyfiuxy–turwr  wou’’  xor  y  siffi’yr
                yoo’  or  swrvi–w6  n yt  sffiw’’s  jot  ’ossws  xor  Tffwri–yfi

                wor—wrs4 yfi’ t yt’s wxy–t’y w yt’s  yffiffiwfiifiy riy t fiow6
                   Wust  ’oo—  yt  w yt  C ifiy’s  ffofiwtyry  ffyfiiffiu’ytiofi  ’i’  to
                our stww’ ifi’ustry6 Ts y tui’’wr ox  uyw ’uxury tui’’ifiys4 m

                –yfi  tw’’  you  t yt  t w  stww’  ifi’ustry   ys  twwfi  vity’  to  our
                w–ofioffi– strwfiyt 4 yfi’ is yfi iffffiortyfit –ost ifi yfiy tui’’ifiy6
                T––or’ifiy to t w Tffwri–yfi mrofi yfi’ ztww’ mfistitutw 3Tmzm54
                C ifiy’s  –urrwfi–y  ufi’wrvy’uytiofi  rwffirwswfits  “t w  sifiy’wB
                ’yrywst sutsi’y” to C ifiwsw ffyfiuxy–turwrs4 is t w “—wy” to

                C ifiy’s  wxffi’osivw  wxffiortB’rivwfi  yrowt 4  yfi’  is  “y  ffyjor
                –yusw”  ox  y’oty’  stru–tury’  iffty’yfi–ws  t yt   w’ffiw’  trifiy
                ytout Tffwri–y’s rw–wfit fifiyfi–iy’ –o’’yffisw6

                   C ifiy’s  –urrwfi–y  ffyfiiffiu’ytiofi  yfi’  ot wr  ufixyir  try’w
                ffiry–ti–ws  w’ffiw’ C ifiy’s –ru’w stww’ ffiro’u–tiofi juffffi xroff
                ;K ffiwr–wfit ox wor’’ ffiro’u–tiofi ifi ?GG? to y jywB’roffiffiifiy
                4R  ffiwr–wfit  ifi  ?GGS6  mfi  ?GG?4  t w  —fiitw’  ztytws  iffffiortw’
                just DGG4GGG tofis ox stww’ 3A ffiwr–wfit ox our stww’ iffffiorts5

                xroff C ifiy6 ey ?GGS4 C ifiy  y’ us tuyifiy K ffi’’iofi tofis ox

                stww’6  ;4    Tfi’  yyyifi4  ffu–   ox  t is  t wy  y– iwvw’  ty
                ufi’wrvy’uifiy t w yuyfi6
                   R–ofioffist T’yfi nofiw’sofi yot it riy t w wfi  w wrotwP

                         Sor  wiy t  ’ofiy  ywyrs4  Wys ifiytofi’s  C ifiy  ’otty—

                         ’yvis ’y  xufi’w’  ty  ffu’tifiytiofiy’  –offffiyfiiws  w osw
                         C ifiy  xy–i’itiws  twfiwfit  xroff  t is  KG  ffiwr–wfit  sutsi’y
                         vxroff  t w  ufi’wrvy’uw’  yuyfiw— ys  trottw’  out
                         rytiofiy’izytiofis  xor  ifiy–tiofi6  n w  ’isystrous  –osts
                         y’rwy’y ifi–urrw’ ox xo’’owifiy t w C ifiy ’otty’s y’vi–w

                         yffffi’y  justixy  iyfiorifiy  its  ’ytwst  ffi’oy6666  Tffwri–yfi
                         xy–toriws   yvw  —wffit  –’osifiy4  survivors’  ffirofits   yvw
                         —wffit  s rivw’ifiy  yfi’  wvwfi  vyfiis ifiy4  jot  ’ossws   yvw

                         —wffit ffoufitifiy4 yfi’ wyyws  yvw —wffit syyyifiy6 Worsw4
                         —6z6B–wfitri–          y’oty’        w–ofioffi–           iffty’yfi–ws           —wffit
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