Page 45 - Time to Get Tough
P. 45

wort   ffii–—ifiy  uffi6  Ts  zffit   writws4  “n w  ffyfi  w o  tyrw’y
                ytstyifis xroff vio’ytifiy wit wr t w ffiwrsofi4 or t w wstytw4 or

                t w  rwffiutytiofi  ox   is  fiwiy tors4   ys  surw’y  vwry  ’itt’w
                ffiositivw ffwrit6”        ?D

                               S — R —We B ZWWenW y R lnvVZylYv—n

                   mt’s y ffi’yifi xy–tP xrww try’w rwquirws  yvifiy xyir ru’ws t yt
                yffiffi’y to wvwryofiw6 Tfi’ ix ww  y’ y ffirwsi’wfit w o ffirwssw’
                t w  C ifiwsw  to  yti’w  ty  t w  ru’ws4  t w  twfiwfits  to  our
                w–ofioffy  wou’’  tw  wfiorffous6  n w  vwtwrsofi  mfistitutw  xor

                mfitwrfiytiofiy’ R–ofioffi–s  ys stu’iw’ t w C ifiwsw –urrwfi–y
                issuw wxtwfisivw’y yfi’ –ofi–’u’w’ t yt y rwvy’uytiofi ox just ?G
                ffiwr–wfit  3’wss  t yfi   y’x  t w  ffirwsuffw’  xyir  ffyr—wt  rytw5
                wou’’  –rwytw  AGG4GGG  to  RGG4GGG  Tffwri–yfi  jots  ovwr  t w

                fiwxt two to t rww ywyrs6              ?R  n ifi— ytout t yt6 yiy t fiow ww

                 yvw y ffirwsi’wfit yfi’ y nrwysury sw–rwtyry w o s ruy w i’w
                C ifiy twyrs ywyy  ufi’rw’s ox t ousyfi’s ox ffyfiuxy–turifiy
                jots  xroff  t w  —fiitw’  ztytws6  n yt’s  ’wy’wrs iffi?  n w
                ffirot’wff  is  so  ty’  yfi’  t w  so’utiofi  so  otvious  t yt  wvwfi

                e Qw   ev _Wk—Y Qy  –o’ufffiist  3yfi’  ry’i–y’  ’wxty  “w–ofioffist”5
                vyu’  Xruyffyfi   ys   y’  to  –ofi–w’w  t w  ffioifitP  “mfi  fiorffy’
                tiffws4  m’’  tw  yffofiy  t w  first  ffiwoffi’w  to  rwjw–t  –’yiffs  t yt
                C ifiy is stwy’ifiy ot wr ffiwoffi’ws’ jots4 tut riy t fiow it’s t w

                siffffi’w  trut 4”  writws  Xruyffyfi6  “zoffwt ifiy  ffust  tw  ’ofiw
                ytout C ifiy’s –urrwfi–y6” W wfi yfi ttyffy wors iffiffiwr ’i—w
                vyu’  Xruyffyfi  is  xor–w’  to  y’ffit  t wrw’s  y  ffirot’wff4  you

                —fiow Tffwri–y’s ifi ’wwffi trout’w6                  ?S
                   zoffw  ty—w  t w  ttyffy  yffiffiroy–   yfi’  siffffi’y  s ruy  yt

                C ifiy’s systwffyti– ’wstru–tiofi ox Tffwri–yfi ffyfiuxy–turifiy6
                n wy  t ifi—  t wrw’s  fio  wyy  to  rwvity’izw  t yt  sw–tor  ox  our
                w–ofioffy—yfi’ t w ffi’’iofis ox jots t yt yo wit  it6 n wy t ifi—
                ww –yfi ’o just fifiw ys y swrvi–wBtysw’ w–ofioffy6 eut t yt’s
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