Page 56 - Time to Get Tough
P. 56

ywyyyfi  wys  ffwrw’y  w– oifiy  t w  w–ofioffi–  t ouy ts  ox
                vrwsi’wfit Wo fi S6 Xwfifiw’y4 w o  y’ y’rwy’y syi’4 ifi ;GD?4

                “n w  ffiyry’oxi–y’  trut   is  t yt  t w  tyx  rytws  yrw  too   iy
                to’yy yfi’ tyx rwvwfiuws yrw too ’ow yfi’ t w soufi’wst wyy to

                ryisw rwvwfiuws ifi t w ’ofiy rufi is to –ut rytws fiow6”                         K
                   ywyyyfi yfi’ Xwfifiw’y’s viwws ffirovw t yt sffyrt tyx ffio’i–y
                s ou’’fi’t tw y ffiyrtisyfi issuw6 mt s ou’’ tw –offffofi swfisw6 mx

                you tyx soffwt ifiy you ywt ’wss ox it6 mt’s ys siffffi’w ys t yt6
                n w fforw you tyx wor—4 t w ’wss ffiwoffi’w yrw wi’’ifiy to wor—6
                n w fforw you tyx ifivwstffwfits4 t w xwwwr ifivwstffwfits you’’’
                ywt6 n is isfi’t ro–—wt s–iwfi–w6
                   eut  ttyffy  isfi’t  ifitwrwstw’  ifi  –offffofi  swfisw6  lw’s  too

                tusy usifiy –’yss wyrxyrw r wtori– to try to ffy—w you xorywt
                t w ’isystwr ox  is first twrff yfi’ yivw  iff y sw–ofi’6 ny—w4
                xor wxyffffi’w4  is ryfits yfi’ twffffiwr tyfitruffs ytout ffy—ifiy

                wvi’ –orffiorytw jwt owfiwrs ffiyy  iy wr tyxws6 mx m t ouy t xor y
                ffifiutw t yt t is wys t w so’utiofi to our $;K tri’’iofi ’wtt4 m
                wou’’ wfi’orsw it6 eut –y’’ifiy xor  iy wr tyxws ofi ffirivytw jwt
                owfiwrs  is  y  ffio’iti–y’  jo—w6  mfi  xy–t4  ys  t w  W ayn—Zztv Z  gv yt
                ffioifits  out4  it’s  su–   yfi  wfftyrryssifiy  i’wy  t yt  t w  W itw

                lousw  –ou’’fi’t  wvwfi  –offw  uffi  wit   yfi  wstiffytw  xor  t w
                yffoufit  ox  rwvwfiuw  su–   y  ffiroffiosy’  wou’’  ywfiwrytw6  zti’’4
                ot wrs wstiffytw t w yffoufit it wou’’ ty—w ifi ovwr twfi ywyrs

                wou’’ tw $A ti’’iofi6  n yt’s G6GGG? ffiwr–wfit ox t w fiytiofiy’
                ’wtt6 Not ofi’y wou’’ y jwt tyx ’o ytso’utw’y fiot ifiy to ffiut y

                ’wfit  ifi  t w  ’wtt4  it  wou’’  y’so   yvw  y  fiwyytivw  w–ofioffi–
                iffffiy–t  ofi  t w  wor—wrs  w o  ffyfiuxy–turw  yfi’  ffyifityifi
                t osw yir–ryxt6 gofi’t xorywt y’’ ox t w ffyfiy jots ffirovi’w’ ty
                t w  ffirivytw  jwt  ifi’ustry  6  6  6  ifi–’u’ifiy  t w  ffu– Bfiww’w’

                ffyfiuxy–turifiy jots6
                   n yt’s t w —ifi’ ox wffffity4 ufiswrious r wtori– ww ywt xroff
                t is  ffirwsi’wfit6  ttyffy  tys ws  ri–   ffiwoffi’w  yfi’  t wfi
                vy–ytiofis  wit   t wff  yt  ayrt y’s  Vifiwyyr’  twxorw  jwttifiy

                yroufi’         t w      –oufitry         ’oifiy        ffi’’iofiB’o’’yr          –yffffiyiyfi
                xufi’ryiswrs  wit   ri–   ’itwry’s6  T’’  t is  xroff  y  yuy  w o
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