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                       •            Accountant and bookkeeper:  My business volume warrants it, so we have
                         a bookkeeper on staff who works very closely with the accountant.
                         The accountant looks over the big picture and is involved in strategic
                         planning. For my office, they are without question two of my most

                         valued advisors. Based on your needs, I strongly recommend that you
                         find people with strong backgrounds in tax and entity structuring who

                         know how to use the right business structures for different types of
                         business deals.
                                 Use common sense . If you own a business and don’t have proper
                         bookkeeping and accounting services, then you are being very foolish.
                         Good bookkeeping and accounting is not an option; it’s an absolute
                         necessity. This function can often be outsourced, but I have a book-
                         keeper on staff because we process hundreds of property payments per
                         month, and work with several entities. I have an accountant because
                         our tax returns are very detailed, and very complex, but she focuses on
                         strategic planning. Some people  picture their accountant as someone
                         who rides over the hill with the bugle sounding to save the day, like
                         the cavalry in old Western movies, but this is not what accountants do.
                         Their job is not to save the day, but to count the bodies before the bat-
                         tle. Most accountants just count bodies; mine is a 5 percent one who
                         actually does strategic planning, and they are rare. Understand the
                         difference  between standard accounting and tax return preparation
                         (the counting of the bodies done after the battle); and strategic tax
                         planning (done before the battle). Only a few accountants  specialize in
                         strategic planning, and one who can help lay out strategies to reduce

                         the liability and manage cash flow can be a huge asset.
                       •        Insurance agent:  I have a very good and trusted insurance agent who
                         handles the liability side of my insurance needs (property, auto, liabil-
                         ity), which, in many cases, are required by law and/or the lender. We
                         shop these aggressively to make sure the rates we are paying are
                           competitive because rates can vary tremendously from company to
                         company. For my own needs, I aggressively shop on the Internet for
                         the lowest price available from only top-rated companies. This saves
                         me thousands of dollars a year because I’m not dealing directly with a
                         commission-driven sales agent.
                               Life insurance is an absolute must for anyone who does not have the
                         assets necessary to protect dependents. Only buy term insurance. Never
                         buy investment life insurance (whole life, universal, variable, adjustable,
                         etc.) unless you have very high-end estate planning issues. In which
                         case, get a top 5 percent agent to handle that for you.


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