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                   agreed and asked him, “Jerry, why couldn’t you wait until you came
                   back to New York? Why did you call me on a Saturday night?” His
                   answer was, “When I flew out last night I was sitting beside a man
                   who happened to mention that he was a big real estate operator. I told
                   him my whole story and he said there’s only one lawyer you should
                   use, George Ross, he’s my lawyer but he’s probably too busy to han-
                   dle your matter. So I decided I better call you right away.”
                       I got Jerry his $5 million and he was so excited he thought he had
                   discovered an untapped world of real estate opportunity. He said he
                   was thinking of buying property  in another area he  perceived as a
                   strategic location and go into land banking as a business. I warned him,
                   “Jerry, what happened to you is a fluke. Don’t think it will happen
                   again. I strongly suggest that you put the money into something you
                   know.” A short time later he asked me what I thought of a particular
                   property he was contemplating buying for land banking. I told him,
                   “Jerry, forget it, I know that block. Sol Goldman has it locked up with
                   the piece next door and you’ll die holding the piece you’re contemplat-
                   ing buying.” He didn’t like my comment so he hired another lawyer and
                   bought the parcel I warned him about. In three years, he managed to
                   blow the entire $5 million. Be forewarned: Land banking is not for the
                   timid or those with limited resources. Staying power is a prerequisite.

                   Renting with a Buy Option

                   Renting houses or apartments has always been a great way for realty
                   investors to show a good return on their investment. However, when
                   it comes to renting houses to tenants, there’s another potential
                   method one can use to earn an even greater return. You can do it by
                   giving a tenant an option to buy the house; if they choose to buy, you
                   will agree to apply a portion of the rent toward a specified purchase
                   price. For example, say you rent a house for $950 per month and you
                   give  the tenant the option to buy it within a specified time. You
                   agree that if the tenant exercises the option to buy, you will allow

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