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                   dramatic color rendering of the building as it would appear when ren-
                   ovated and sell this as the linchpin of revitalizing the Grand Central
                   area—which in turn was the cornerstone of the reconstruction of the
                   image of New York City. All he initially sought was the city’s ac-
                   knowledgment that this was a great idea coupled with a loose com-
                   mitment to  cooperate in bringing it  to fruition, if they got
                   everything they wanted. He never talked numbers with the key play-
                   ers in this deal until after he got an initial expression of interest and
                   support for his plan. He knew that talking numbers too soon would
                   give people a reason to say no to his plan. It’s a valuable lesson for
                   you to remember in any real estate investment of yours: Enthusiasm
                   (and focusing initially on the large outlines of a deal rather than the
                   financial details) can overcome many obstacles.

                   How Small Real Estate Investors Can Use Enthusiasm

                   The Hotel Commodore conversion was a huge project that took over
                   two years and 23 drafts of a complicated and intensely negotiated
                   ground lease to finish. But no matter what the size or complexity of
                   your real estate project, at various stages of the transaction you’ll
                   need to convince other people to help you, and do what you want
                   them to do. This takes enthusiasm and perseverance. Share with the
                   seller, your lenders, contractors, and others what you envision for the
                   property you want to buy or renovate. Tell a great story about how
                   you found it, what your inspiration was, and the difficulties you have
                   already overcome. Play up what you see as its best or most unique
                   features. Trump knows that people like to be excited. You just have
                   to find creative ways to excite them.
                       If you’re not enthusiastic, the people you’re trying to convince to
                   lend you money, sell you a property, or invest in your partnership are
                   not going to stick their necks out. But if you can tell a great story

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