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Trump’s Time POLICY 3
everything is out, the Military goes. 08/25/21
So simple, and yet it wasn't done.
Tragic! Biden is destroying America. His
policies have created a living
08/24/21 n a t i o n a l n i g h t m a r e : h e ' s
s u r r e n d e r e d o u r e n e r g y
Biden surrendered Afghanistan to independence, sabotaged the
terrorists and left thousands of economy, surged violent crime,
Americans for dead by pulling out caved to China, crushed our citizens
the Military before our citizens. Now instead of the virus, created the
we are learning that out of the single greatest humiliation in our
26,000 people who have been history in Afghanistan, stranded
e v a c u a t e d , o n l y 4 , 0 0 0 a r e thousands of our citizens overseas
Americans. at the whim of Islamic extremists,
and left a wide-open border to
You can be sure the Taliban, who are deadly drugs, vicious crime, and
now in complete control, didn't allow unlimited illegal immigration at
the best and brightest to board these home!
evacuation flights. Instead, we can
only imagine how many thousands I created the most secure border in
of terrorists have been airlifted out of history. Biden has created the single
Afghanistan and into neighborhoods most catastrophic border disaster in
around the world. What a terrible history—by far. Texas Attorney
failure. General Ken Paxton, whom I
strongly endorsed for reelection,
NO VETTING. How many terrorists has just won a major Supreme Court
will Joe Biden bring to America? We victory against the Biden Open
don't know! Borders agenda. I congratulate him
on this win.
Biden was found to have broken the
How dare Biden force our Military to law in terminating the Migrant
run off the battlefield in Afghanistan Protection Protocols, or Remain in
and desert what now have become Mexico. Now, Biden must reinstate
many thousands of American Remain in Mexico, one of my most
hostages. successful and important programs
in securing the border. Other State
We had Afghanistan and Kabul in Attorneys General should follow suit
perfect control with just 2,500 and go after every one of Biden's
soldiers and he destroyed it when it unlawful border and immigration
was demanded that they flee! policies.