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16                          ENÒERTAINMENT                                                             Trump’s News

                Former 'Bond' girl Britt Ekland reacts

                to rumors that 'No Time To Die' will
                introduce a daughter for 007                                              21-year-old Colorado woman

                                                                                          shot dead after argument
                             By Tyler McCarthy | Fox News
                                                                                          about dog poop
                 A  former  Bond  girl              daughter.
               responded  to  rumors  that
                                                      “I  think  that  Bond  should                 By Kenneth Garger | New York Post
               the infamous 007 character
                                                    probably be a little bit more
               will return to the big screen
                                                    untouchable,”  she  told  the
               in “No Time To Die” with a 5-                                              A woman was fatally shot           to ignore Close before shots
                                                    hosts  (via  The  Daily  Mail).     and her boyfriend wounded            rang out, striking him twice
               year-old daughter.
                                                    “He's a fantasy.”                   by a gunman who reportedly           and killing his girlfriend.
                                                                                        took  issue  with  how  the
                 R u m o r s   h a v e   b e e n
                                                      When asked directly if she        couple told their dog to poop          Police  caught  Close  later
               c i r c u l a t i n g   t h a t   t h e
                                                    thinks  that  making  Bond  a       during a walk in Denver on           Wednesday  as  he  was
               upcoming 25th “Bond” film,                                               Wednesday.                           driving on a nearby highway,
                                                    father  will  ruin  the  long-
               which  was  among  the  first                                                                                 the report said. A rifle and a
                                                    running  franchise,  she
               big-budget  movies  to  push                                               The victims — identified in        handgun  were  found  in  his
                                                    admitted  that  she  thinks  it     reports  as  Isabella Thallas,       car, cops said.
               back  its  scheduled  release
                                                    will.  However,  she  made          21,  and  Darian  Simon  —
               in  light  of  the  global
                                                    sure to note that the minds         were  walking  their  pooch            Thallas'  mother,  Ana
               coronavirus  pandemic,  will                                             near  Coors  Field  when  36-        Thallas, mourned the death
                                                    behind  Bond,  Barbara
               introduce a new occupation                                               year-old  suspect  Michael           of  her  daughter  in  a
                                                    Broccoli  and  Michael  G.
               for  the  spy  character  —                                              Close  quarreled  with  them         Facebook post.
                                                    Wilson, know better than her        from  inside  his  apartment,
                                                    what  direction  to  take  the      the Denver Post reported.              “Today we lost a daughter,
                 Speaking  on  Tuesday's            character.                                                               sister, grand daughter, niece
                                                                                          “The  suspect  got  into  a        and friend,” Ana wrote. “The
               “Good  Morning  Britain,”
                                                      According  to  the  outlet,       verbal  altercation  with  the       Lord  called  her  home  and
               former  Bond  girl  Britt                                                victims related to the victims       she is resting in peace with
                                                    rumors emerged by way of a
               Ekland,  who  starred                                                    telling  the  dog  to  poop,”        Him.
                                                    leak from the production of
               opposite  Roger  Moore  in                                               according  to  a  probable
                                                    the  film  that  a  new  child      cause  statement  obtained             “We asked that you kindly
               “The Man With The Golden
                                                    character will be introduced        by the newspaper.                    respect  our  privacy  and
               Gun”  in  1974,  questioned
                                                    into  Bond's  life  played  by                                           Isabella's life by keeping this
               t h e   w i s d o m   b e h i n d                                          Close reportedly asked the         positive and loving.”
                                                    Lisa-Dorah Sonne. Precious
               waylaying James Bond's jet                                               couple if they were going to
                                                    little is known about the plot
               setting  and  dangerous                                                  train their pooch or just yell at      A GoFundMe page set up
                                                    of  “No  Time  To  Die,”
               l i f e s t y l e   w i t h   t h e                                      it, the police records state.        to  help  cover  Isabella's
                                                    however  the  trailer  offers                                            funeral costs had raised over
               responsibility  of  having  a
                                                    some insight.                         Simon told police he tried         $45,000 as of early Friday.

                                                    grandfather,  former  President      to  others,  don't  talk  all  the  time;   person one night shortly before his
                                                    George  H.W.  Bush,  shared  with    listen to your friends and mentors   death.  Their  family  was  chatting
                                                    her before passing away in 2018      and  learn  from  them,  don't  brag   around  the  dinner  table  when
                                                    at age 94.                           about yourself," she recited.       Bush,  who  had  lost  most  of  his
                                                      He lived his life according to a    "And,  'Nobody  likes  an          hearing and could not participate
                                                    small  list  of  rules,  Bush  Hager   overbearing  big  shot,'  which   in the conversation, leaned over to
                                                    explained to co-host Hoda Kotb on    sounds  so  much  like  his  words.   Bush Hager and said "Don't forget
                                                    Thursday's episode of "Today with    And, 'Help a friend when they're    to enjoy the game."
                                                    Hoda & Jenna." The points were       hurting.'  One  of  them,  which  I   The  weight  of  the  words  bore
                                                    worth  taking  to  heart  and  Bush   obviously listen to a lot, is, 'It's OK   down on her.
                                                    Hager  was  eager  to  share  them   to cry when life takes a bad turn or   "And  it  broke  my  heart  into  a
                                                    with Today audiences.                when a friend hurts.'"              thousand pieces because what he
                                                      "Don't get down when your life      B u s h   H a g e r   s a i d   s h e    meant  is  life  is  meant  to  be
                                                    takes  a  bad  turn,  don't  blame   memorized the entire list but the   enjoyed, celebrate it," she said. "I
                 Jenna Bush Hager is revealing      others  for  your  setbacks,  when   most touching piece of advice that   think he also probably felt by that
               the  best  advice  that  her         things go well, always give credit   her  grandfather  shared  was  in   point he wasn't in it as much."
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