
Coronavirus vaccine optimism to boost stocks into year-end: Goldman Sachs

The firm sees the S&P 500 rallying 8% into year-end

By Jonathan Garber | FOXBusiness


House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer have said no to the Republican's trillion-dollar virus aid package.

No to an extra $300-a-week unemployment pay that would have been paid all the way through Christmas.

No to an extra $105 billion to help schools reopen.

No to any liability protection for businesses trying to get their employees back to work.

It's tough to get your arms around this: The party of "working people" has just rejected more government help for working people. Seems to me like a betrayal of the Democrats' traditional role. The speaker and the senator wanted $3 trillion worth of help, and when they couldn't get it, they said no to a trillion. If you can't get it all, you get nothing.

What the Democrats really wanted was a bailout for high-tax, Democratic states, like New York, New Jersey, California and Illinois. All these states have gigantic government worker pension bills, which they can't pay. Speaker Pelosi from California and Sen. Schumer from New York want the rest of the country to bail them out. And they want to change the tax laws to protect their wealthy donors who live in New York, California, New Jersey and Illinois.

See where we're going with this? They're saying if you don't help rich Democrats, we won't let you help working families.

What a turnaround. In my near half-century in America, I've seen the Republicans transformed from the country club party to the strivers, the up-and-comers' party. And the Democrats? They're the party of the elites, masquerading as the party of the workers.