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We will be brief. Biden is a thief! Biden is the father of a thief! Biden is an unworthy person! Nothing else matters.

Rep. Claudia Tenney to Newsmax: 'So Much There' on Hunter Biden's Laptop

Author: Charles Kim

Including possible "criminal activity" with the son of President Joe Biden and his ties to China, Rep. Claudia Tenney, R-N.Y., told Newsmax on Tuesday that "there is so much there" on Hunter Biden's controversial laptop...



Politico Reports Biden Laptop 'Genuine'; NY Post Mocks: 'Shocked'

Author: Eric Mack
Source: Politico

The mainstream media is beginning to acknowledge the Hunter Biden laptop story is "genuine," drawing a mocking "color us shocked" editorial from the New York Post editorial board...



Report on Biden Activities with China

Author: Christopher Balding and Blumberg
Source: Baldingsworld.com

A number of months ago, I was approached by an individual I had known for the better half of a decade. I had known this individually professionally and enjoyed their company and deep insight into our overlapping professional interests. Consequently, I would not infrequently seek out their professional opinion. They had written a  for a client worried about political risk that involved background on the Biden’s in China. This individual believed that the information that had been discovered, and with the approval of the client, needed to make its way into the public domain...



FBI are to interview Hunter Biden's former business partner Tony Bobulinski after he claimed he has three cell phones that prove Joe lied about knowledge of foreign deals in China

Source: dailymail.co.uk

  • A series of texts and emails about Hunter Biden's purported to involve his business operations came to light Thursday 
  • Some appear to reference Joe Biden as the 'chairman' and one message between business partners says 'Don't mention Joe being involved' 
  • Another has a reference to 'My Chairman' – who could be Biden  
  • The emails and texts come from Tony Bobulisnki, who was Donald Trump's debate guest on Thursday
  • He was supposed to speak to the Senate Homeland Security Committee Friday, but its chairman announced that Bobulisnki was instead speaking to the FBI
  • Bobulinski, 48, is a Navy veteran turned businessman who tried to set up a Chinese business arrangement with Hunter Biden



Emails reveal how Hunter Biden tried to cash in big on behalf of family with Chinese firm

Author: Emma-Jo Morris and Gabrielle Fonrouge
Source: nypost.com

Hunter Biden pursued lucrative deals involving China’s largest private energy company — including one that he said would be “interesting for me and my family,” emails obtained by The Post show...



Inside the life of Hunter Biden, Joe Biden’s scandal-plagued son

Author: Emily Jacobs
Source: nypost.com

Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden’s son Hunter has been back in the news since his father announced his 2020 run last year...



Biden camp hits back at Hunter Biden email report suggesting then-VP met with Burisma exec

Author: Brooke Singman
Source: Fox News

The New York Post reports emails suggest Hunter Biden introduced his father to a top Burisma exec...



Joe Biden falsely says his son Hunter's laptop is a smear from Russia.



The Biden family is looking more and more like a crime family.



Crowd in #Florida chants: "WHERE IS HUNTER?"



Joe Biden owes an explanation to the American People about his family's shady foreign business deals.



"Tomorrow I will provide the Senate and FBI evidence corroborating what I have said here tonight".



Tony Bobulinski: There’s no question "H" stands for Hunter and the "Big Guy" is Joe Biden.



"In my hour long meeting with Biden we discussed Biden family business dealings with the Chinese".



"I’ve heard Joe Biden say that he has never discussed business deals with Hunter, that is false".



Biden Lied



Joe Biden refuses to answer question about FBI seizing son's laptop.



President Trump DESTROYS Biden for saying he didn't know about Hunter's corrupt business deals.



President Trump on Biden family corruption: “This is the laptop from Hell”.



Why Did Joe Biden Let Hunter Do It?



WATCH: Bret Baier reports on the bombshell Hunter Biden story.



Joe Biden's 2020 Ukrainian nightmare: A closed probe is revived

Author: John Solomon
Source: thehill.com

Editor’s note: John Solomon’s columns regarding Ukraine became a subject of the House Intelligence Committee’s impeachment inquiry against President Trump. Any updated information can be found at the end of the column...



Hunter Biden's Foreign Money.



Joe Biden LIED to you. He DID discuss Hunter Biden’s corrupt foreign business deals!



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