
Anti-Vaccination Protests Go Worldwide As Backlash To Mandates Grows



By Bruce Haring

Anti-vaccination protests took place in major cities across the world on Saturday, as a backlash to the rising tide of mandates for inoculation hits the streets.

Protests in Los Angeles, New York, London, Paris, Zagreb, Madrid, Canada and several US states were noted in the media. Crowds ranged from hundreds of thousands to a few hundred turned out to decry the growing number of vaccination mandates by businesses, government and school districts.

In Los Angeles, dozens of anti-vaxx protesters rallied outside of City Hall. There were no counter-demonstrations reported. The peaceful rally saw attendees carrying signs that read “COVID 1984,” “Informed Dissent,” “I’m Not A Lab Rat” and “Forced Penetrations Are Always Wrong.”

Speakers praised the Los Angeles police and fire department anti-vaxx movements.

In New York City, the anti-vaxx protesters came together in Times Square. A crowd estimated as several hundred in news reports carried signs and chanted, some carrying American flags.

European cities saw much larger turnouts. Crowds estimated at more than 120,000 across various cities in France protested, part of an ongoing series that has now extended for more than two months.

In London, police had to disperse a large crowd after red paint bombs were thrown at the gates of Downing Street, where the Prime Minister lives. Two arrests were made.

Madrid saw an estimated 25,000 people join an outdoor party at the Complutense University without safety precautions.

Dr. Anthony Fauci said Sunday on NBC’s Meet The Press political talk show that the national priority is not booster shoots of vaccine, but getting the unvaccinated to take the jab.

“Our highest priority still, is getting the unvaccinated vaccinated, and there should be no confusion about that,” Dr. Fauci told host Chuck Todd. “The highest priority is not getting boosters,” he said. “We think it’s important to get boosters to people, but the overwhelming highest priority is to vaccinate the unvaccinated.”