
VIDEO: ‘F*ck Joe Biden’ Comes Through Loud and Clear During Ole Miss-LSU Game


By Dylan Gwinn

The sports/political sensation that is sweeping the nation swept through Oxford, Mississippi, this weekend as chants of “F*ck Joe Biden” rang out from the Rebel faithful.

Ole Miss won on the field and in the stands, as their fans belted out what has become a common chant at college football games this year.

College towns, even in deep-red parts of the South, are bastions of liberal indoctrination and woke cancel culture. So, to see the anti-46 chant “F*ck Joe Biden” chant and its other, tamer cousin, “Let’s Go, Brandon,” spread so far and fast across the college football landscape, shows just how deeply felt the contempt for this president is.

Here are some other noteworthy examples of the “FJB” chant at college football games:

Fans in Atlanta preferred the more family-friendly “LGB,” but we all know what they really meant:

“FJB” even made its ay onto the Fox ALCS postgame show in deep blue Boston:

The “FJB” chant has even sprung up in Italy and Canada. Making the American-made anti-46 chant one of America’s newest exports.

Who says Americans don’t make anything anymore?