Election fraud 2020

EXCLUSIVE: International Audit Executive – Based on Results and a Review of Numerous Activities, the 2020 Presidential Election Was MATERIALLY CORRUPTED In Favor of Democrat Joe Biden


By Joe Hoft | Published November 5, 2020 at 10:41am

  • There is ample evidence to date that shows the 2020 Presidential Election was materially corrupted to favor Democrat Joe Biden. When reviewing the 2020 Presidential election it is clear the results are materially tainted in favor of Joe Biden.

    Overall Results:

    Candidate Biden’s campaign had little, if any, enthusiasm. With such a lackluster performance in the primaries and in the campaign, the fact that the final results show that Biden set a record for any candidate for winning an election does not add up:


    The participation rate for US Presidential elections is historically around 40-45% but some states had double this amount in Democrat strongholds:

    Overnight on election night at around 4am in Michigan hundreds of thousands of votes suddenly appeared and all were for Biden:

    The same thing occurred in Wisconsin:

    Clearly, based on a cursory review, the results of the election are suspicious at best and do not add up with all amounts slanted to the benefit of Joe Biden.

    The People:

    It is imperative in any process involving money or other items of significance that the individuals involved in the process are of the utmost integrity.  The leaders set the tone for the group and should be held to an even higher level of integrity.

    This is not the case with the Pennsylvania Secretary of State:

    Using the title ‘President’ before the word ‘Trump’ really demeans the office of the presidency…
    — Kathy Boockvar (@KathyBoockvar) March 7, 2017

    Pennsylvania’s AG called the election for Biden before the race began:


    Michigan’s Secretary of State is also a Trump hater:

    These are only a few examples.  Across the nation there is a case that if the state’s Secretary of State, Governor or AG is a Democrat, then they possess a hate for President Trump that makes them ineligible to be involved in the election, due to being unable to properly perform the duties of their office without bias.

    In 2020 Democrats petitioned for and created processes to mail ballots to all their constituents whether they requested them or not.

    Mail ballots are magnets for fraud.  Ballots can be sent to the wrong people or wrong addresses and can be destroyed relatively easily once received:

    In addition it is almost impossible to determine if the ballots are valid based on signatures alone and some states did not even require valid signatures:

    Ballots are being reported turned in with no name on them:

    There are reports the totals from the voting machines are in error:

    In the middle of the night in both Wisconsin and Michigan hundreds of thousands of votes suddenly appeared.

    There are videos of individuals entering the ballot counting area with suitcases and wagons of what are suspected of being ballots.

    There are numerous other process control deficiencies or gaps.  This election was a mess and ripe with fraud.  Unfortunately in the highly contested areas, this is not surprising.  All of these activities benefited Joe Biden.

    In Summary: based on the overall results, the people involved and numerous fraudulent activities, the 2020 Presidential Election was MATERIALLY CORRUPTED in favor of Democrat Joe Biden.

    (The author has traveled the globe leading and performing financial, operational, IT and compliance audits involving billions of dollars.  He has many degrees and designations including a CPA, MBA and CISA.)