By Joe Hoft | Published November 5, 2020 at 7:45am
Guest post by Benjamin Wetmore
Dustin Kingen was the Chairman for Precinct 219 in Detroit and noticed multiple voting irregularities that he reported and he now says he feels helpless that anyone will care. “We were instructed not to accept ballots that were not specifically marked as received, but I saw it happen,” Kingen said. “I called the hotline they provided to us for problems, and the people there didn’t know what to do. These people were claiming they never received their live ballots, but they could have just been lying and turned them in later, it’s not possible for us to check those things at the polling places.”
The 2020 election is under scrutiny in no small part to the record numbers of absentee ballots, causing chaos throughout the American election systems, with delayed reporting and difficulty in determining the authenticity of the votes cast by mail without accountability and review by objective election observers. Detroit Precinct Chairman Kingen explained, “In the poll book, these ballots were marked as sent, but we let them vote anyway. We had them sign affidavits that they wouldn’t turn in those ballots later, we wanted to let everyone vote, but now I’m skeptical even though some of these people seemed credible.”
The absentee process, sometimes referred to as the “AV” process for ‘absentee voter’, had what Kingen described as “two mere hours of training, mostly online, and a PDF document to read.”
“I think it’s very possible that there are rogue ballots that were in the mail and that there’s potential voter fraud in the system even for the people who were well trained to spot it. The training for the AV process was unclear, the checklists didn’t work for the situations we found ourselves in, and I suspect most election day observers let people vote who shouldn’t have.”
(Below: Affidavit that voters had to sign if they claimed their ballots never arrived)
“I took my job very seriously, to protect our democracy, and still I think there’s a strong chance that voter fraud happened right in front of me,” Kingen said.
Let’s face it Trump had to win by hundreds of thousands of votes to beat voter fraud in Michigan alone.