Trump's News

Exclusive — Trump Advisor Lynne Patton: Black Voters Are Moving to Trump




Black voters are moving to Donald Trump, senior advisor to the former president Lynne Patton said during an interview on Breitbart News Saturday, explaining that the bottom line is something everyone can see: “Everything was better with Trump.”

  • Patton discussed the changing attitudes of voters across the country, who have seen a clear contrast between America under Trump and America under Presiden Joe Biden. Even CNN recently updated its electoral map, projecting a Trump victory with at least 272 electoral votes.

    Patton, who goes back with the Trump family over a decade, working for the Trump Organization — moving from personal assistant primarily for Eric Trump, running their charity, becoming what she described almost as a “chief of staff so to speak” for Don, Eric, and Ivanka, and going to Housing and Urban Development (HUD) under Trump — explained that there “100 percent” are demographic shifts in favor of Trump.

    “Over 25 percent of black voters in six different battleground states now support Donald Trump,” Patton, a black American herself, said, describing the movement as a “level unseen for any Republican in over 50 years.”

    “Why? Because like every American, black and brown families are spending nearly $1,000 per month under Joe Biden on groceries and gas — more than the standard of living that they did under Donald J. Trump. And the bottom line is, because everything was better with Trump,” Patton said. “We missed getting more bang for our buck, and we know that only Donald Trump can bring that back.”

    Patton said minority communities are watching Democrats drop the ball, choosing to spend billions of dollars on Ukraine and housing illegal immigrants instead of “investing their own tax dollars here at home in America and on Americans.”

    “It’s no surprise that that minority communities are gravitating towards the common sense, America first policies that we know Trump represents,” she said.

    “When you couple that with record crime in urban communities, indictment empathy … [and a] two-tiered system of justice under which minorities have suffered for decades thanks to the Biden three strikes crime bill … never mind suffering for decades with elementary age indoctrination of their schoolchildren …  Hispanics, blacks, they don’t like that either,” Patton said.

    Further, Patton said the RNC is looking to reshape and build a strategic surrogate team that “can engage all aspects of these communities and hiring people who are dedicated to moving the needle in terms of securing votes in these critical urban communities.”

    That will be paired with Trump holding rallies in traditionally blue areas such as New York City, the Bronx, and “maybe even Chicago.”

    Patton also dismissed reports that the RNC has nixed all minority outreach programs, adding that Lara Trump, the co-chair of the RNC, personally told her that it “couldn’t be further from the truth.”