Trump's News

Poll: Majority Say President Joe Biden Is a ‘Weak’ Leader




Most consider President Joe Biden a “weak” leader, the latest survey from the Economist/YouGov found.

  • The survey, taken March 24-26, 2024, among 1,594 U.S. adult citizens, asked respondents, “Would you say Joe Biden is a strong or a weak leader?”

    Across the board, most, 66 percent, identified Biden as an at least somewhat weak leader. Of those, 46 percent said he is a “very weak” leader. Just 22 percent said he is a “somewhat” strong leader, and only 11 percent viewed Biden as a “very” strong leader.

    Further, 30 percent of Democrats viewed Biden as an at least somewhat weak leader, while 96 percent of Republicans agreed. Seventy-five percent of independents also viewed Biden as an at least somewhat weak leader, and, of those, 48 percent said he is a “very” weak leader.

    The survey asked the same question of former President Donald Trump and found that most, 56 percent, identified him as an at least somewhat strong leader. Of those, 36 percent viewed him as “very” strong.

    Predictably, most Democrats disagreed, as 77 percent viewed Trump as an at least somewhat weak leader, compared to 94 percent of Republicans and 54 percent of independents who viewed Trump as an at least somewhat strong leader. Notably, the vast majority of Republicans, 74 percent, viewed Trump as a “very” strong leader, specifically.