Trump's News

J.D. Vance: Trump Trial Is About Biden’s ‘Failed Record as Commander-in-Chief’




Senator J.D. Vance (R-OH) said Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union” that President Donald Trump was on trial in New York because President Joe Biden “has a failed record as commander-in-chief.”

  • Vance said, “Donald Trump is not on trial for sexual indiscretions. This is a sham trial where they’re saying his misdeeds is violated the law that he committed a crime you can’t throw somebody in prison in the middle of a presidential election because you think that he did something bad ten years ago. So I think we have to separate these arguments from the actual criminal trial, that’s attempting to in my view, Dana interfere in a presidential election.”

    He added, “The only thing that Alvin Bragg and the New York prosecutors team, thinks Donald Trump did wrong is that he ran for president in 2024, and it looks to be on the cusp of victory. That is the only thing that this is ultimately about. If you look at the underlying argument of the case, they can’t even identify what it is that Donald Trump did. They said he committed a paperwork violation in the service of a crime, but they won’t even specify the crime that he allegedly committed.”

    “And I think that when you look at all of these attacks on Donald Trump, you have to, you have to be honest with yourself and say, this is not about law and this is not about justice, this is about the fact that president Joe Biden has a failed record as commander-in-chief and leader in this country and the Democrats can’t talk about that,” Vance added. ‘So what they’re doing is putting these trials out there and saying focus on this, not on the fact that the world is on fire, and the fact that you have gotten poor under the presidency of Joe Biden.”