Trump's News

Donald Trump Reaches Out to Family of Missionaries Killed in Haiti: ‘He Really Does Care’




President Donald Trump reached out to Missouri State Rep. Ben Baker (R), who revealed that his daughter and son-in-law — both of whom were missionaries — were killed by gangs in Haiti.

  • “Just got off the phone with Donald J Trump. He was just calling to give condolences to us and to the family for Davy & Natalie,” Baker revealed on Sunday, concluding that Trump “really does care about people.”

    “He said ‘I couldn’t believe how beautiful these two young people were, they looked like models,'” Baker added, thanking Trump for reaching out:

    Just got off the phone with Donald J Trump. He was just calling to give condolences to us and to the family for Davy & Natalie. He really does care about people. He said “I couldn’t believe how beautiful these two young people were, they looked like models”

    Thank you Mr.…

    — Ben Baker (@BenBakerMO) May 28, 2024

    Baker revealed the devastating news on Thursday, sharing a picture of his daughter and son-in-law with the caption, “My heart is broken in a thousand pieces”:

    I’ve never felt this kind of pain. Most of you know my daughter and son-in-law Davy and Natalie Lloyd are full time missionaries in Haiti. They were attacked by gangs this evening and were both killed. They went to Heaven together. Please pray for my family we desperately need strength. And please pray for the Lloyd family as well. I have no other words for now.

    According to reports, three individuals — Davy and Natalie included — were killed in Port-au-Prince by armed men. As Breitbart News reported:

    Baker’s daughter and son-in-law had been serving as missionaries in Port au Prince for Missions in Haiti. The organization was founded in 2000 by David and Alicia Lloyd, the parents of Davy.

    Missions in Haiti released a newsletter in May 2023 which said gangs had “taken control of even more area in and around Port au Prince.”

    As a result of the tragedy, U.S. Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) wrote a letter to President Joe Biden, requesting protection be given to the remains of Davy and Natalie Lloyd as they were transported back to the States.

    “Now Haitian gangs are threatening to stop the transport of Davy and Natalie Lloyd’s bodies home to Missouri,” he wrote.

    “President Biden should guarantee their safe transfer home. The government failed the Lloyds two days ago. The least it can do now is bring home their remains,” he added:

    Now Haitian gangs are threatening to stop the transport of Davy and Natalie Lloyd’s bodies home to Missouri. President Biden should guarantee their safe transfer home. The government failed the Lloyds two days ago. The least it can do now is bring home their remains

    — Josh Hawley (@HawleyMO) May 26, 2024

    According to reports, transport has been secured for their remains to come home:

    Good morning!

    Baker family update, 5-28-23

    Transport has been completely secured for Natalie and Davy’s remains to come home!

    There will be no release of information regarding specific timeline, airline, or airports being used to ensure the highest level of security. Media…

    — Cass Bowen Anderson (@cass_b_anderson) May 28, 2024