Trump's News

Poll: Donald Trump Leads Joe Biden in Michigan




President Donald Trump is leading President Joe Biden in Michigan, a recent survey from Mitchell Research found.

  • Trump is edging out the incumbent, both in a head-to-head matchup and a contest including third party candidates.

    When the two are facing off directly, Trump leads Biden in the state by two percentage points — 49 percent support to Biden’s 47 percent support.

    In a five-way matchup including independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Green Party candidate Jill Stein, and independent Cornel West, Trump still leads the pack with 46 percent to Biden’s 45 percent support. Anther five percent go for Kennedy, followed by one percent each for Stein and West.

    According to Steve Mitchell, president of Mitchell Research & Communications, Inc., “Trump leads in the two-way race because he has solidified the Republican base better than Biden has solidified the Democratic base” — a common theme in other surveys as well.

    2024 Michigan GE:

    Trump 49% (+2)

    Biden 47%


    Trump 46% (+2)

    Biden 45%

    Kennedy 5%

    Stein 1%

    West 1%

    Mitchell Research/@MIRSnews, 697 LV, 5/20-21

    — Political Polls (@Politics_Polls) May 28, 2024

    Mitchell added:

    Trump is getting 92% of the GOP vote compared to Biden’s 89% of the Democrats. More importantly, Trump is getting 9% of the Democrats while Biden is getting only 4% of the Republicans. Biden is leading with the important group of voters, independents 49% – 43%.

    That reality coincides with the fact that Democrats are unhappy with Biden as their nominee. A recent Rasmussen Reports survey asked Democrats if they would like to replace Biden as their nominee, and the majority, 54 percent, said they would.

    Breitbart News’s John Nolte explained it this way:

    Rasmussen polled 1,113 likely voters between May 20-22 and asked a very straightforward question: “Would you approve or disapprove of Democrats finding another candidate to replace Joe Biden before the election in November?” While only 49 percent of everyone polled said that they approved, that number bumped up to 54 percent among Democrats.

    Only 43 percent of Republicans agreed.

    You can see why. Democrats are looking at the polls, looking at another four years of Donald Trump proving all of their ideas are stupid, and panicking. As far as Biden, he’s proved all of their ideas are terrible, so they want to dump him so they can blame their policy failures on him instead of their bad ideas.

    The entire Michigan survey was taken May 20-21, 2024. It has a margin of error of +/- 3.71 percent.

    Trump lost the state by 2.8 percent in 2020.

    The survey was taken prior to the Manhattan jury finding Trump guilty on all 34 counts in his business records trial. He has since promised to fight back, despite the establishment media now framing him as a “convicted felon.”