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Post-Debate Poll: 68% of Independents Want Biden to Drop Out of 2024 Race




Sixty-eight percent of independent voters want President Joe Biden to drop out of the 2024 race after his disastrous debate performance, a JL Partners poll found on Friday, while 32 percent said he should remain the Democrats’ nominee.

  • Pressure mounted on Biden to step down after his Thursday performance, as many Democrats and media members displayed hysteria following his performance. A Biden campaign official said Biden will remain in the race. Biden will also reportedly participate in the ABC News debate in September.

    Among independents, 41 percent of Biden 2020 voters believe he should drop out of the race, the poll found.

    Forty-four percent of independents said they plan to vote for former President Donald Trump, up about four points after the debate.

    In contrast, Biden lost support, the poll found. Only 24 percent said they intend to vote for Biden, down from 28 percent before the debate.

    The poll sampled 805 independent voters immediately after the debate. The survey did not include a margin of error.

    The post-debate polling appears to confirm pre-debate polling.

    Sixty-four percent of voters believe the Democrat party should replace Biden as its nominee, a New York Times/Siena poll found this week, underscoring a lack of enthusiasm behind the president’s reelection campaign.

    The poll asked voters, “Do you think Joe Biden should remain the Democratic Party’s nominee for president, or should there be a different Democratic nominee for president?”

    • Yes: 29 percent
    • No: 64 percent

    Among Democrats, a slim majority said Biden should remain on the ticket:

    • Yes: 52 percent
    • No: 45 percent

    An overwhelming amount of independents said Biden should not remain on the ticket:

    • Yes: 21 percent
    • No: 71 percent

    Twenty percent of voters believe Biden’s America is headed “off on the wrong track,” the poll also found, while 70 percent said Biden is too old to be “an effective president.”

    When asked which candidate is expected to win in November, former President Donald Trump led Biden by ten points (48-38 percent).

    The Times poll sampled 1,226 registered voters from June 20-25 as has a margin of error of 3 points.