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We will be brief. We love Donald Trump!!! Nothing else matters.
December 2021
Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America 12/31/21
The United States just set a record high for coronavirus infections. Remember when Biden said that he would quickly and easily solve this problem? How’s he doing? He now says that it is up to the states, not the Federal Government, exactly the opposite of what he said during the campaign!
- President Donald J. Trump
No president in history has done more damage to America
on the world stage than Joe Biden has managed in just one year.
WEAKNESS, HUMILIATION, AND PUTTING AMERICA LAST: After four years of unprecedented foreign policy success under President Trump that restored American strength, leadership, and safety, Joe Biden has EMBARASSED our country, ENDANGERED our citizens, EMBOLDENED our enemies, and SURRENDERED to our adversaries—over, and over, and over.
Under President Trump, there was peace, calm, and stability in the world because people RESPECTED America, and they knew that while he had no desire to meddle in their internal affairs, he had nofear about defending America’s interests. NO ONE respects Joe Biden, and the world is a much more dangerous place as a result.
Biden’s Year of Mortifying Failures:
- Biden’s Afghanistan Surrender was the worst foreign policy humiliation in American history.
- Shameful weakness on CHINA—no accountability on Virus, Biden team openly MOCKED and insulted by Chinese diplomats.
- Begging and pleading Iran for nuclear “deal” while regime laughs, racing toward nukes.
- Backstabbing and insulting ISRAEL—after Biden put our Israeli friends in mortal danger.
- Russia now engaging in increasingly aggressive behavior including massing troops on Ukraine’s border, because they do not fear or respect Biden.
- Bitter betrayals of America’s closest allies draw STINGING REBUKES from abroad.
- Obliterating America’s borders and returning to the failed ideology of globalism.
- Falling asleep at global summits; gaffes draw guffaws from other world leaders.
- Forcing our brave warriors in the U.S. Military to endure trainings in toxic Critical Race Theory.
- No accountability for Woke Generals who lose, leak, lie and obsess over their press clippings.
- Weakest and most partisan national security team in history—Harris, Sullivan, Blinken, Milley, and Austin—have NO CREDIBILITY, and have lost the confidence of the entire world.
- Lectures about democracy while trampling the Constitution here at home...· Thinks “global warming” is number one national security threat…
- The most clueless president in U.S. history is leading the world into chaos.
- Either they didn’t see it coming or they flat-out lied—either way it’s totally disqualifying.
- April 14, Biden:“We will not conduct a hasty rush to the exit…We’ll do it responsibly, deliberately, and safely.”
- June 7, Blinken: “Whatever happens in Afghanistan, if there is a significant deterioration in security… I don’t think it’s going to be something that happens from a Friday to a Monday.”
- June 17, MILLEY:“I don’t see Saigon 1975 in Afghanistan... The Taliban just aren’t the North Vietnamese army. It’s not that kind of situation.”
- July 2, Biden: “We’re on track exactly as to where we expected to be…It’s a rational drawdown with our allies, and… there’s nothing unusual about it.” Asked a follow-up on Afghanistan, Biden replied, “I want to talk about happy things, man.”
- July 8, Biden: “The likelihood there’s going to be the Taliban overrunning everything and owning the whole country is highly unlikely.” Biden promised, “There’s going to be no circumstance where you see people being lifted off the roof of a embassy in the—of the United States from Afghanistan.”
- The U.S. military inexplicably left Bagram Airfield—built at MASSIVE taxpayer expense—without telling the Afghan Security Forces, months before all Americans had been evacuated from Afghanistan. This horrendous decision left the U.S. military without a defensible base of operations, and allowed 5,000 dangerous terrorists and hardened criminals imprisoned at Bagram to later be set free by the Taliban—one of whom was the suicide bomber who killed more than 180 people and 13 U.S. servicemembers in the Kabul airport attack.
- General Milley had assured Congress on June 23: “Bagram is not necessary, tactically or operationally.”
- A month later, the Taliban took control of its first Afghan province.
- BIDEN DID IT ALL BACKWARDS: FIRST he removed the troops, THEN he abandoned the bases, and ONLY THEN did he try to evacuate our diplomats and civilians.
- Biden went on VACATION as the Taliban took over—took NO RESPONSIBILITY for the crisis, cast blame on everyone else.
- He spent only 4 of 15 days in the White House as Afghanistan was overrun.
- Even the left-wing media could not excuse it…
- “He said the buck stopped with him but in fact the speech was full of finger pointing and blame… he did not get into, or accept any blame for, the catastrophic exit we've been watching on television in the last several days.” – Jake Tapper, CNN
- “There's a serious disconnect between the messaging from the Biden administration…And then what we're seeing on the ground…The Biden administration needs to do two things: One, to actually get that situation under control and then two, to be upfront with the American people about what's going on. They can see it with their own eyes at this point.” – Julie Pace, AP
- “You have to question, is the president insulated, isolated?...On Friday it was almost bizarre. What he was saying did not match the reality of what some of his other advisers were saying.” – Jeff Zeleny, CNN
- “We know that’s not true. We know there are many instances where that has not been true… He also said Al Qaeda is gone from Afghanistan, but…we know that is also untrue. Why is he misleading with his words here?” – Brianna Keilar, CNN
- Prominent Democrats and Establishment Figures were shocked too…
- Obama’s former Defense Secretary, Leon Panetta, said, “With the Taliban now controlling Afghanistan, there is no question that they will provide a safe haven for Al Qaeda and for ISIS.”
- Obama’s former CIA Director, David Petraeus, said, “This is a Dunkirk moment or, perhaps, a Saigon moment.”
- Obama’s former Ambassador to Afghanistan, Ryan Crocker, said that Biden’s exit was “an indelible stain on his presidency.”
- Our Allies Were ENRAGED and HORRIFIED…
- For the first time in history, the British Parliament held an American President, Joe Biden, IN CONTEMPT—calling his actions “catastrophic,” “shameful,” and “dishonorable.”
- U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson was reportedly stunned and infuriated when he could not even get Joe Biden on the phone while British lives were on the line.
- Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair called Biden’s actions “imbecilic.”
- French Parliamentarian Nathalie Loiseau said, “We thought America was back, while in fact, America withdraws.”
- German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier called Biden’s handling “shameful for the political West.”
- Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen lost faith in the ability of the U.S. to protect Taiwan from China saying, “It is not our option to do nothing and only rely on others for protection.”
- America’s Adversaries Watched Biden’s Surrender with Glee…
- China’s Foreign Ministry taunted Biden, saying that the Afghanistan withdrawal shows that the U.S. should not “interfere in other countries’ internal affairs,” alluding to Taiwan.
- Putin’s foreign policy advisor chuckled saying, “You can’t blame Russia for feeling a little smug about what is happening in Kabul.
- Iran’s President mocked Biden at the United Nations saying, “Today, the U.S. does not get to exit Iraq and Afghanistan but is expelled.”
- Hezbollah’s Secretary General said Biden had “accept[ed] a historic failure.”
- Taliban fighters chanted “Death to America” outside the American embassy in Kabul.
- Yet Biden claimed he had seen no indication of damage to American credibility in the world.
- The Washington Post reported that before entering Kabul, the Taliban offered to allow the U.S. military to remain in control of the city to evacuate Americans. But the Biden administration said no, they just needed the airport. Biden had no other plan than to beg for mercy from America’s enemies.
- After greenlighting the sudden conquest of Kabul by the Taliban and then promising to evacuate as many Afghans as possible, Biden triggered a NIGHTMARE at the airport. Then, he refused for days to establish a wider security perimeter to ensure the safety of all involved.
- The Biden Administration said it was unable to help Americans flee to the Kabul airport, even while British and French commandoes went all over town rescuing their citizens.
- According to POLITICO, the Biden administration gave the Taliban what was effectively a kill list “of names of American citizens, green card holders and Afghan allies.” Biden himself said “there may have been” a kill list.
- On August 17, Biden’s National Security Advisor said, “There have been instances where we have received reports of people being turned away or pushed back, or even beaten. We are taking that up in a channel with the Taliban.”
- On August 26, radical Islamic terrorists carried out a suicide bombing outside the Kabul airport, killing 13 American troops and over 180 civilians, and badly injuring countless more.
- During the dignified transfer ceremony for our 13 American heroes, Biden disrespected the families of the fallen by looking at his watch at least three times.
- Biden loaded the planes evacuating Kabul with tens of thousands of unvetted Afghans before all Americans were out—and they weren’t even the Afghans who worked with America—then Biden left countless of Americans behind Taliban lines.
- Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas stated that out of the 60,000 Afghans Biden loaded on flights, only 3 percent were Special Immigrant Visa holders who helped the U.S. during the past 20 years.
- CENTCOM Commander General Kenneth McKenzie said, “We did not get everybody out that we wanted to get out” and confirmed that “hundreds” of Americans were left behind in Afghanistan.
- On August 31, the U.S. embassy in Kabul officially suspended operations. That day, Biden’s Pentagon spokesperson said, “We have Americans that get stranded in countries all the time.”
- According to the New York Post, in November, “Nearly three months after the last US military plane departed Afghanistan, the Pentagon is still trying to rescue family members of American troops in the war-torn country and is working to compile a database of those left behind, according to a report.”
- Meanwhile tens of thousands of unscreened, unvetted Afghan nationals were brought into the United States, including those with CHILD BRIDES.
- One Afghan national was promptly charged with sexually assaulting a child, another with strangling and beating his wife. And in New Mexico, a group of male Afghan evacuees reportedly ganged up on a female American service member and assaulted her.
- According to an Axios report, the Taliban took control of “a massive new war chest, complete with U.S.-made Humvees, planes, helicopters, night-vision goggles and drones,” over 2,000 armored vehicles and up to 40 aircraft as well as UH-60 Black Hawks, scout attack helicopters, and ScanEagle military drones.
- How did Biden fall for the line that it was “cheaper” to leave billions of dollars in equipment than to fly it to nearby bases???
- The Biden administration ordered federal agencies to “scrub their websites” of all the details of the $85 billion in equipment the United States had given the Afghan security forces (now in the possession of the Taliban).
- Reeling from their failures and trying to look tough in the midst of chaos, the administration executed what General Milley called “a righteous strike” that supposedly prevented another terrorist attack on the Kabul airport.
- In truth, the strike ended up killing no terrorists but mistakenly killed 10 innocent civilians, including 7 children.
- The man they claimed was a terrorist was actually a U.S. aid worker who worked for 14 years for a California-based charity that fed hungry Afghans.
- A New York Times expose revealed that the alleged bombs were jugs of water for his family.
- Days later, Biden BRAGGED about the strikes and proclaimed that the Afghanistan withdrawal was an “EXTRAORDINARY SUCCESS” and said, “THIS IS THE WAY THE MISSION WAS DESIGNED.”
- Apparently it was all part of the plan…
- Unbelievably, Biden administration staffers then went around complaining to the media that they weren’t being given proper credit for the operation’s success.
- To date, no senior military, intelligence, or political official in the Biden administration has been fired for their conduct related to Afghanistan.
- Biden’s Afghanistan debacle was the POLAR OPPOSITE of President Trump’s strength and conditions-based approach.
- Biden did not follow “Trump’s plan” as he falsely claimed—Biden DISCARDED the Trump plan, came up with his own plan (to get a good press story on 9/11) and then he mismanaged the whole thing beyond belief.
- When one American soldier was killed in 2019 by the Taliban, President Trump called off talks with the Taliban and bombed the Taliban ferociously for days. That is why for over a year, not a single American service member had been killed in combat in Afghanistan – because they knew America was not to be trifled with.
- The Trump administration’s plan for Afghanistan was conditions-based. It required the Taliban to successfully negotiate a political settlement with the Afghan government. Biden clearly did not follow that plan because the conditions were never met.
- The Taliban knew that if they stepped out of line while Donald Trump was president, he would hit them harder than they had ever been hit before—just like he eliminated Baghdadi and Soleimani.
- This calamity would NEVER have happened under President Trump—and everyone in the world knows it.
- Putin is reportedly considering a military offensive with 80,000-175,000 RUSSIAN TROOPS on Ukraine’s border.
- Russia is issuing threats and ultimatums to the United States, and even threatening to cut off relations with the U.S. entirely
- It’s all happening because Russia has no fear of doddering Joe Biden.
- Last spring, desperate for a summit with Putin to distract from his many failures and sagging poll numbers, Biden lifted President Trump’s sanctions on Russia’s Nord Stream II Pipeline—pushing Europe into dependence on Russian energy.
- The summit was a disaster, and Biden’s staff was too afraid to even allow him to do the usual Joint Press Conference.When suspected Russian hackers shut down a major pipeline in the U.S.—causing filling stations around the country to run dry—the Biden administration did nothing, disclaimed any responsibility for solving the problem, and allowed the Colonial Pipeline to pay nearly $5 million in ransom.
- By contrast, despite Democrat and media HYSTERIA, President Trump was tougher on Russia than any president since the end of the Cold War.
- He armed the Ukrainians with lethal weapons.
- He armed Poland, moved in thousands of troops, and negotiated a permanent U.S. military base there.
- He imposed crippling financial sanctions.
- He got NATO allies to increase defense spending by $400 billion, while rebuilding the U.S. military with $2.5 trillion.
- He rebuilt the U.S. nuclear stockpile.
- He withdrew from the INF Treaty.
- And he undermined Russia’s number one source of wealth by making the United States energy independent and exporting American natural gas to Eastern Europe—and all over the world.
- The comparison with Biden and his Russia-Hoaxing National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan is not even close.
- In a radical departure from President Trump’s maximum pressure campaign on Iran, Biden gave Iran unilateral sanctions relief before getting any concessions. Later the same year, he lifted more sanctions on multiple Iranian energy companies and former officials. In October, the administration lifted yet more sanctions, this time from two Iranian missile producers. Yet he has gotten NOTHING in return.
- Upon taking office, Joe Biden and John Kerry immediately began pleading with Iran to negotiate a return to the disastrous Iran Nuclear Deal (which paved Iran’s path to a bomb with American dollars)—yet despite the fact that the Iranians are NOT INTERESTED, Kerry and Biden keep on begging.
- The Iranian foreign minister has even claimed that John Kerry informed him about attacks Israel was conducting on Iranian forces. How has this betrayal not been investigated?
- No doubt sensing whose side the Biden administration is on, Iran tested to see how far they could push—letting their terrorist proxy Hamas unleash a wave of violence.
- In May, the radical Iranian-backed Hamas terrorists launched over 4,000 rockets at Israeli population centers. 10 people died in the attacks.
- Biden REFUSED to directly condemn Hamas as a terror group.
- While Israel was still directly under missile fire from radical terrorists, Biden called to admonish Israeli Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu, saying he “expected a significant de-escalation today on the path to a cease-fire,” as if Israel was at fault for trying to stop the rockets.
- Biden also gave hundreds of millions of dollars in aid to Palestinian groups with no meaningful way to ensure it does not end up strengthening Hamas.
- By contrast, President Trump supported Israel and stood up to Iran like never before.
- He withdrew from the disastrous Iran Nuclear Deal and put the toughest-ever sanctions on the regime.
- He kept his promise, recognized the capital of Israel, and moved the American Embassy to Jerusalem.
- He also recognized Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights.
- And he negotiated the most important Middle East peace deals in generations between Israel and four of its Arab neighbors, the Abraham Accords.
- During the Democrat primaries, Biden scoffed at the idea that China was a major rival. “China is going to eat our lunch?” Biden asked incredulously.“They can’t even figure out how to deal with the fact that they have this great division between the China Sea and the mountains in the East, I mean the West.”
- It’s no wonder Joe Biden was China’s choice for President: He supported giving them most favored nation trade status, celebrated their entry into the WTO, and during his vice presidency repeatedly lauded the Chinese regime. China rewarded Joe handsomely after he left office, offering “the Big Guy” and his family MILLIONS of dollars in Chinese “business deals”—not to mention Hunter’s 2.8 carat diamond.
- Now Biden is returning the favors, LETTING CHINA OFF THE HOOK FOR COVID.
- One of the Biden administration’s first actions was to shut down President Trump’s State Department investigation into the origins of the China Virus.
- Biden quickly returned the United States to the World Health Organization—which, as events proved, is practically owned by the CCP. And he went back in at “full price”—giving them $200 million in exchange for nothing—after they let China control the investigation into the “origins” of the China Virus.
- During his teleconference summit with President Xi, Biden failed to bring up China’s refusal to cooperate with the investigation into the origins of the coronavirus. How can that be?
- Biden also did not even MENTION China—or the origins of the virus—in his embarrassingly weak and stunningly vacuous address to the United Nations General Assembly.
- Earlier this year, Biden’s representatives—Blinken and Sullivan—were openly MOCKED by China on American soil at the Alaska summit.
- Chinese officials lambasted the American negotiators with talking points ripped straight from Critical Race Theory and told them that the U.S. “does not have the qualification to say that it wants to speak to China from a position of strength.” Biden said he is PROUD of his team—after they sat there and did not defend America.
- Biden even chalked up China’s Uighur Genocide to “DIFFERENT NORMS.”
- He made a long, strange, bizarre defense of the Communist Party’s brutal conduct, casting China as the victim and suggesting that human rights abuses promote Chinese “unity”:“If you know anything about Chinese history, it has always been, the time when China has been victimized by the outer world is when they haven’t been unified at home. So the central — well, vastly overstated — the central principle of Xi Jinping is that there must be a united, tightly controlled China. And he uses his rationale for the things he does based on that… Culturally there are different norms that each country and their leaders are expected to follow.”
- HOW MANY OF HUNTER BIDEN’S “PAINTINGS” does China have to buy in exchange for this level of weakness?
- Under President Trump, we stood up to China like never before, imposing strong tariffs on $250 billion of Chinese goods, leading a global campaign against Chinese cybersecurity threat Huawei, prosecuting intellectual property theft, revitalizing the “Quad” alliance, speaking out for victims of religious persecution, and demanding in his 2020 United Nations Address that China be held accountable for unleashing the Virus upon the world.
- FRANCE ALIENATED: Our oldest ally withdrew its ambassador for the first time in U.S. history after Biden EXCLUDED them from a new security pact between the U.S., Australia, and the U.K.—behavior France called “BRUTAL.” During a meeting with President Macron in October, Biden admitted that his handling “was not done with a lot of grace.”
- “SPECIAL RELATIONSHIP” THREATENED: Biden has REPEATEDLY insulted and offended British Prime Minister Boris Johnson. Biden elbowed his way into sensitive Brexit negotiations to UNDERMINE the British position. Just before going to the G7 in England, Biden’s representative delivered an insulting “demarche” to Britain’s top Brexit negotiator, slamming Johnson’s government. Pelosi threatened to BLOCK a U.S.-U.K. trade deal, and when Boris Johnson visited the White House in September, Biden’s staff rudely interrupted the U.K. Prime Minister in mid-sentence when he tried to take a few questions from the press. What exactly were they worried about?
- BORDERS THROWN WIDE OPEN: Among Biden’s most devastating disasters, he threw open the Southern Border to transnational criminal cartels who import gangs, drugs, and dangerous criminals. BORDER SECURITY IS NATIONAL SECURITY.
- CORRUPT GLOBALISTS INVITED TO INVESTIGATE AMERICA FOR HUMAN RIGHTS ABUSES: Biden re-entered the notorious U.N. Human Rights Council, then Blinken enthusiastically invited the world’s worst human rights abusers and violators to investigate America for “systemic racism” and “human rights” abuses. Then Biden’s UN Ambassador declared that “white supremacy” is woven “into our founding documents and principles.”Great representatives for America on the world stage.
- MARXIST CRITICAL RACE THEORY BEING FOISTED ON MILITARY: The Navy’s Professional Reading Program suggested that military members read books that attack every aspect of America–including the very Constitution that servicemembers swear to defend. The NDAA includes funding for woke radicalism, including “equity” and CRT training. Chairman Mark Milley told Congress he wanted to “understand white rage” and Chief of Naval Operations Adm. Michael Gilday suggested servicemembers read a radical manifesto openly calling for racial discrimination. Why do they even still have their jobs?
- SEVERE CUTS TO MILITARY FUNDING AND READINESS: Biden requested $7 billion less in funding for the Army than what was necessary to keep pace for inflation—and his budget calls for a force reduction of nearly 5,000 troops—even while Army Chief of Staff James McConville says “I’m very, very concerned about the size of the Army.”
- SO CONSUMED WITH LEFTIST IDEOLOGY THEY CAN’T SEE STRAIGHT: Biden declared that the Joint Chiefs of Staff told him “the greatest threat facing America” was “global warming.” In his Joint Session Address, Biden declared that “the most lethal terrorist threat to the homeland today” is “white supremacy.”
- ASLEEP ON THE JOB: After warning Pentagon officials in June that global warming will be the greatest national security threat in coming years, Biden fell asleep with his mask on at the 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference during the opening statements. He had to be awoken by his staff.
- SQUANDERING HISTORIC PEACE DEAL IN BALKANS: After President Trump’s administration brokered a groundbreaking agreement between Kosovo and Serbia, Biden let a key provision expire and has failed to build on the potential to permanently settle this long-simmering conflict.
- PUSHING RADICAL ABORTION AGENDA ON COUNTRIES THAT DO NOT WANT IT: Biden withdrew from President Trump’s Geneva Consensus Declaration, which affirms there is no international human right to abortion. Now the Biden administration is going around Latin America trying to bully nations that morally object to abortion into aborting more of their babies even though they do not want to. Under Biden, $32.5 million taxpayer dollars will also flow to the United Nations Population Fund which has historically played a role in China’s coerced abortion and involuntary sterilization programs.
- SILENT ON THE CORRUPT CUBAN COMMUNISTS EVEN AS BRAVE CUBAN PATRIOTS RISK THEIR LIVES TO PROTEST EVIL REGIME: For months Biden refused to unequivocally condemn the Cuban dictatorship’s human rights abuses. When asked in July when Biden planned on speaking out against Cuba’s horrific communism, Biden’s press secretary replied, “Not at this time.”
- President Donald J. Trump
Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America 12/30/21
This is why Mike Dunleavy of Alaska has been, and will be, a great Governor. He has the courage of his convictions. Lisa Murkowski is the “disaster from Alaska” who single-handedly blew ANWR, one of the largest energy sites in the world, and an incredible economic development opportunity for the Great State of Alaska!
A note from Governor Mike Dunleavy below:
“Please tell the President thank you for the endorsement. With regard to the other issue, please tell the President he has nothing to worry about. I appreciate all 45 has done for Alaska and this country.”
- President Donald J. Trump
Endorsement of Sid Miller 12/30/21
Commissioner Sid Miller is a terrific Agriculture Commissioner for the Great State of Texas! A farmer and champion rodeo rider, Sid was an early fighter for our America First agenda. He is working hard to support our Farmers, Military and Vets, Lower Taxes, and Defend the Second Amendment. Sid has my Complete and Total Endorsement!
- President Donald J. Trump
45th President Donald J. Trump to Hold a Rally in Arizona 12/30/21
President Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America, will hold a rally in Florence, Arizona, on Saturday, January 15, 2022, at 7:00PM MST.
Saturday, January 15, 2022, at 7:00PM MST
President Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America, Delivers Remarks
Country Thunder Festival Grounds
20585 E Water Way
Florence, AZ 85132
Timeline of Events:
8:00AM – Gates Open
2:00PM – Doors open and Live Entertainment Begins
5:00PM – Pre-program Speakers Deliver Remarks
7:00PM – 45th President Donald J. Trump Delivers Remarks
General Admission Tickets:
Request Media Credentials:
All requests for media credentials must be submitted by Thursday, January 13, 2022, at 7:00PM MST.
- President Donald J. Trump
45th President Donald J. Trump to Hold a Press Conference 12/30/21
President Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America, will hold a press conference on Thursday, January 6, 2022, at 5:00PM EST.
Thursday, January 6, 2022, at 5:00PM EST
President Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America, Holds a Press Conference
1100 S Ocean Blvd
Palm Beach, FL 33480
Timeline of Events:
12:00PM to 1:00PM – Media Equipment and Satellite Truck Pre-Set
3:00PM – Media Re-Entry and Credentialing
5:00PM – 45th President Donald J. Trump Holds a Press Conference
Request Media Credentials:
All requests for media credentials must be submitted by Monday, January 3, 2022, at 5:00PM EST.
- President Donald J. Trump
In one year, Biden has caused a border crisis, an energy crisis, an inflation crisis, a labor crisis, a supply chain crisis, and a violent crime crisis—all while pushing the most radical left-wing agenda in history.
THE MOST ANTI-WORKER, ANTI-FAMILY, ANTI-AMERICA PRESIDENT EVER: Joe Biden inherited the most secure border in history, the fastest economic recovery on record, historically low gas prices, hard-won American Energy Independence, a domestic manufacturing renaissance, and a nation poised to flourish like never before—all thanks to the America-First agenda of President Trump. It took less than 12 months for Biden and the extremists in his party to turn it all into crisis, chaos, misery, and woe. It’s no wonder Biden is ending his first year with his approval ratings tanking to an all-time record low.
Even the media cannot cover up his dismal record of unrelenting failure:
- Inflation is the highest in nearly 40 years—decimating the wages and incomes of hardworking Americans.
- Gas prices have risen nearly 50% from one year ago.
- America’s southern border is GONE—with 2+ million illegal aliens flooding into the U.S. this year—the most ever recorded by far.
- Democrat-run cities across the country are hitting ALL-TIME HIGHS in murders and violent crime.
- Mass smash-and-grab robberies and lootings are taking place in cities and suburbs nationwide.
- Biden is pushing $5+ TRILLION in socialist spending bills crammed with nation-wrecking left-wing lunacy.
- Biden’s Radical Democrat Party is forcing CRT into our children’s schools, shoving male athletes onto women’s sports teams, pushing woke racism into our military, tearing down statues of Thomas Jefferson, desecrating our history, dismantling basic election-integrity measures, and breaking decades of precedent to use taxpayer dollars to fund late-term abortion and infanticide.
It’s all happening exactly as President Trump predicted. Joe Biden is a DISASTER.
- Biden repeatedly promised that he would not raise taxes on anyone making “under $400,000”—a promise he has already tried to break many times.
- In reality, Biden’s out-of-control spending binge has triggered skyrocketing inflation that functions as a massive tax on EVERYTHING, at every income level—hitting working- and Middle-Class Americans hardest of all. Every American is poorer because Joe Biden is president.
- We have seen huge, double-digit increases in the price of cars, trucks, beef, bacon, eggs, sugar, pork, furniture, housing, and other staples of Middle Class life. But wages and incomes have not gone up to match.
- Real average weekly earnings (adjusted for inflation) have declined 8 months in a row—starting right after Biden signed his $2 trillion “American Rescue Plan” last spring.
- According to a December Gallup poll, 7 in 10 low-income Americans reported hardship due to rising prices.
- The Penn Wharton Budget Model estimates that Bidenflation will cost American families 6% of their budget this year, or $3,500—a humungous Biden tax increase on hardworking families.
- Joe Biden was WARNED about the inflation nightmare he was creating. In February, top Obama economic advisor Larry Summers warned publicly that Biden’s far-left agenda “will set off inflationary pressures of a kind we have not seen in a generation.”
But Biden did not listen, charging ahead with his socialist programs and saying in July of this year, “Some folks have raised worries that this could be a sign of persistent inflation. But that's not our view. Our experts believe and the data shows that most of the price increases we've seen are—were expected and expected to be temporary.”
- Biden’s Chief of Staff contemptuously dismissed concerns about rising costs as “high class problems.”
- Now Biden is preposterously trying to claim that his latest $5 trillion spending bill “will take the pressure off of inflation”—an idea that not a single credible economist anywhere in the world believes.
- Instead, Larry Summers continues to warn that “there is significant reason to think inflation may accelerate” even further.
- As Democrat Senator Joe Manchin said of Biden’s signature legislative priority: “This is a recipe for an economic crisis.”
- In November, Biden claimed that “This recovery is faster, stronger, fairer and wider than almost anyone could have predicted.” FALSE.
- For the last four straight months, the number of jobs added to the economy fell short of expectations. Last month, the number of jobs created fell short of expectations by 360,000.
- The MISERY INDEX (a combination of the inflation and unemployment rates) has reached its highest level in nearly three decades under Biden.
- Consumer sentiment is now lower under Biden than at ANY time during the Trump presidency.
- Small business optimism fell to a record low after the election. Under President Trump, small business optimism soared to the highest level ever recorded.
- Biden’s socialist American Rescue Plan created a disastrous labor shortage by paying millions of people more money NOT to work—long after most Americans were vaccinated and Biden had declared victory over the pandemic.
- Record numbers of Americans have left the workforce under Biden, with 4.3 million dropping out of the workforce in August alone.
- Under Biden, the Congressional Budget Office has downgraded their long-term projections of economic growth compared to their estimates last year (even after the worst of the pandemic shutdowns).
- In July 2020, CBO projected average real GDP growth of 2.1% from 2025-2030. Now CBO is projecting that average real GDP growth will be just 1.6% for 2026-2031, marking a decrease of nearly 24%.
- The July 2020 report projected that real GDP growth would be well above 2% EVERY year from 2024-2028. CBO’s latest estimate projects that real GDP growth will not exceed 1.6% during ANY of those years.
- By contrast, President Trump’s economy SHATTERED PREDICTIONS.
- At the end of the Obama administration, the CBO projected 2 million jobs would be created within 3 years. Instead, America gained 7 million new jobs before the pandemic – more than three times the experts’ predictions.
- In the first 2 months of 2020 (before the pandemic), the U.S. economy added more jobs than CBO had projected would be created in the entire 12 months of 2020.
- The strong economy that President Trump built put America on track for a swift rebound after the pandemic. In 2020, third quarter GDP growth was the largest ever at 33.1 percent. Household net worth rose to an all-time high in Q2 2020.
- Unemployment quickly fell to half its pandemic peak. President Trump’s economy rapidly regained over half of the jobs lost, much faster than projected.
- The Trump economic recovery was the fastest in recorded history—with jobs regained 23 times faster than they were after the financial crisis in 2008 under the Obama-Biden administration.
- Even despite the pandemic and the pandemic-induced economic setbacks, Gallup found 56 percent of Americans felt that they were better off at the end of President Trump’s first term than they were when it started.
- According to the non-partisan Joint Committee on Taxation, the Biden spending bill would RAISE TAXES on working families at virtually EVERY income level, and lower after-tax incomes of 80 percent of Americans.
- Even the liberal Tax Policy Center says Biden’s Build Back Better Act raises taxes on the Middle Class.
- The Biden tax plan is pro-China, anti-America. His plan would make the U.S. business tax rate dramatically higher than the tax rate in Communist China.
- Taking into account all taxes under Biden’s plan, the Democrat bill would give businesses an approximately 100 percent tax advantage to locate jobs in China, rather than in the United States. It’s a tax cut for outsourcers, paid for with the jobs and livelihoods of American Workers.
- Biden also rescinded President Trump’s “2-for-1” cap on job-killing regulations, and resumed the regulatory behemoth’s relentless mission to keep jobs out of the United States.
- Meanwhile, Biden promised in the campaign “not cut taxes for the super wealthy,” but that is exactly what he is fighting to do in his regressive tax plan.
- The “Build Back Better” bill provides nearly $300 billion to increase the cap on the state and local tax deduction. 98% of this tax cut would go to households making over six figures.
- While Biden’s policies hurt middle and low-income earners, President Trump’s America-First policies created the greatest economy in the history of the world:
- Record low African-American, Hispanic American, and Asian American unemployment rates.
- Record low unemployment among Native Americans, individuals with disabilities, veterans, and those without a high school diploma.
- Unemployment for women also reached its lowest rate in nearly 70 years.
- Under President Trump, a record number of people between ages 25 and 34 were working.
- Record low poverty rates for Americans of every race and ethnic group—including record low Black and Hispanic American poverty rates.
- Real median-household income hit an ALL TIME HIGH.
- Income inequality dropped two years in a row and by the largest amount in over a decade.
- The bottom 50 percent of American households saw a 40 percent increase in their net worth.
- Wages rose fastest for low-income and blue-collar workers. Middle-class family income increased nearly $6,000—more than five times the gains during the entire Obama-Biden administration.
- Biden inherited the most secure border in American history:
- President Trump ENDED CATCH-AND-RELEASE, instituted HISTORIC ASYLUM REFORMS, and implemented EXPEDITED REMOVALS for illegal border crossers. When migrants trespassed across our borders illegally, they were caught, detained, and promptly sent back home.
- After the historic reforms President Trump put into place, illegal border crossings fell by almost 90%.
- In addition, by the time President Trump left office, over 700 miles of border wall had been fully funded and contracted out, over 650 miles of border wall had been built or were undergoing construction, and more than 450 miles of border wall had been fully constructed.
- The Trump administration deployed nearly 5,000 troops to the Southern border. In addition, Mexico deployed tens of thousands of their own soldiers and national guardsmen to secure their side of the US-Mexico border.
- President Trump’s policies kept the American People SAFE. The Trump administration deported nearly 20,000 gang members, including almost 4,500 members of the brutal MS-13 gang, from American communities.
- President Trump also instituted NATIONAL SECURITY TRAVEL BANS to keep out terrorists, jihadists, and violent extremists by restricting travel from terror-afflicted countries—upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court.
- Immediately upon taking office, Joe Biden deliberately blew our border security to smithereens and invited millions of illegal aliens from all over the world to enter our country illegally.Biden issued 94 Open Borders executive actions in his first 100 days.
- Biden STOPPED removals, STOPPED border wall construction, and INSTITUTED CATCH-AND-RELEASE across the entire southern border—OPENING PANDORA’S BOX.
- Biden canceled the Trump administration’s “Remain in Mexico” policy, ripped up President Trump’s historic asylum agreements with Guatemala, El Salvador, and Honduras to prevent fraudulent use of our asylum system to gain entry, he abolished the Trump administration’s prohibition on deadly sanctuary cities receiving federal funds, and abolished the plan to determine whether Census respondents were even American citizens.
- He ordered a functional shutdown of ICE, and turned all of America into a nationwide Sanctuary for criminal aliens, with thousands of dangerous illegal aliens previously arrested for crimes now being released back onto American streets.
- Biden also created thousands of NON-ENFORCEMENT ZONES around America where MS-13 can roam free and ICE is not permitted to go.
- The Biden administration even banned the use of the word "illegal" when referring to illegal immigration.
- Foreign leaders from the region pointed out the obvious: Joe Biden had personally provoked a GIGANTIC migration crisis.
- Mexico’s President Andrés Manuel López Obrador said that “[e]xpectations were created that with the Government of President Biden there would be a better treatment of migrants. And this has caused Central American migrants, and also from our country, wanting to cross the border thinking that it is easier to do so.” He said, “They see him as the migrant president, and so many feel they’re going to reach the United States.”
- Guatemala’s President Alejandro Giammattei said, “The message changed to, we’re going to reunite families and we’re going to reunite children. The very next day the coyotes were here organizing groups of children to take them to the United States.”
- Both leaders have been punished by the Biden White House for stating the truth.
- Biden’s actions launched a year of unprecedented border incursions—while the White House pretended they had NO IDEA what was happening.
- In March, Biden blamed the changing seasons for a 21-year high in illegal border crossings, saying, “It happens every year.” That month, illegal migrants gathered in Tijuana, Mexico with the following message printed on their t-shirts: “Biden please let us in!” In March alone, the Biden administration spent $86 million taxpayer dollars to put up illegal aliens in hotels in Texas and Arizona. Biden also put VP Kamala Harris in charge as “border czar”—after Harris had previously compared ICE to the evil KKK.
- In April, Biden said, “We’ve now gotten control” of the border. That month, a new high 178,795 illegal border crossers were apprehended on the U.S. border, the overwhelming number of whom were promptly released into the interior.
- In May, Harris blamed a new high 180,597 illegal border crossers on “the lack of climate adaptation and climate resilience” in South American countries.
- In June, the Biden White House declared that “the administration has made significant progress at establishing a well-managed and secure border.” That month, a new high 189,034 illegal aliens flooded across the border.
- In July, Biden said, “With Vice President Harris's leadership, we're getting at the root causes of why people are migrating for our southern border.” That month, a new high 213,593 illegal border crossings occurred. The Biden-Harris claim is that the United States must transform the entirety of Central America before they can secure America’s border.
- In August, Biden proclaimed, “There is no wall high enough or ocean wide enough to keep us safe… from the COVID-19 in other countries.” That month, 209,840 illegal aliens poured across the Southern Border. Biden’s own administration estimated that nearly 20% of illegal alien family units crossing the border were infected with the virus. Unlike for law-abiding American citizens, under Biden, there are no vaccine mandates or testing requirements for illegal border crossers.
- In September, Biden said he would visit the border “at some point,” a promise he has yet to fulfill. That month, 192,001 illegal aliens crossed the border into the U.S.
- In October, there were another 160,000+ illegal crossings.
- In November, illegal border crossings rose again to 173,000, with a record number of arrivals from Nicaragua and Venezuela. The overwhelming number were single illegal alien adults
- In total, in 2021, Biden has aided and abetted over 2 MILLION illegal aliens in entering the United States—and even that number is a huge understatement.Because vast sections of the border are currently not patrolled as agents are conscripted into providing FREE TRANSPORT SERVICES to shuttle illegal aliens into the interior, these numbers are only a proxy for the mass influx that is occurring.
- Nonetheless, over the five summer months between April and August, this imperfect proxy for illegal border crossings rose by 945%, 674%, 471%, 413%, and 319% compared to the same time the year before.
- Border patrol arrests of illegal alien drug smugglers have increased by 453%.
- Border patrol arrests of illegal alien sex offenders have increased 212%.
- Border patrol arrests of illegal alien murderers have increased by over 1,900%.
- DEADLY DRUGS are pouring across Biden’s open border with 11,000 pounds of ULTRA-LETHAL FENTANYL detected by Border Patrol in fiscal year 2021, more than double the amount seized in the year prior.
- Last month, the amount of meth seized at the border increased by 161% compared to the same time the year before.
- Biden’s cruel and inhumane policies are pushing migrant children into the arms of coyotes, human traffickers, and child-smugglers—and he does not care.
- Biden exempted unaccompanied minors from Title 42, triggering the LARGEST WAVE OF UNACCOMPANIED MINORS IN HISTORY. A staggering 122,000 unaccompanied youths arrived in the span of one fiscal year—blowing every other record to bits.
- Biden also abolished the Trump administration’s National Security Travel Bans, and SURGED refugee admissions, including thousands of unvetted refugees from Afghanistan.
- He terminated crucial Trump immigration reforms including giving state and local governments authority over refugee resettlements, the suspension of welfare-dependent migrants, and the public-charge rule (ensuring new entrants do not become a burden on U.S. taxpayers). He rescinded the block on immigrants who will burden our public healthcare system, and he lifted President Trump’s suspension on most foreign workers and new green card recipients that ensured AMERICANS were first in line for jobs as the economy reopened.
- Biden’s socialist spending bill gives illegals welfare and government benefits, and free child tax credits. It eliminates caps on Green Cards, allows unlimited chain migration, and grants unlimited numbers of foreign nationals the ability to PURCHASE permanent U.S. residency and taxpayer benefits for the low price of $2,500. It allows the Big Tech giants to replace qualified Americans with cheap foreign workers. And it issues diversity visas SPECIFICALLY to the people who were rejected by our Travel Ban because they came from the most dangerous places on earth.
- During his campaign, Biden linked arms with the radical Defund-the-Police movement, calling the police “absolutely” systemically racist, and labeled rioters, looters, and arsonists “peaceful protestors.” When asked if he agreed “we can redirect some of the funding” away from the police, Biden said, “Yes! Absolutely.”
- The Biden-Sanders “Unity” Manifesto called for abolishing Cash Bail and releasing 400,000 criminals from jail.
- Vice President Kamala Harris also called for “reimagining” policing and applauded Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti for defunding the police, while she donated to bail rioters, looters, and violent criminals out of jail.
- Months of anti-police rhetoric and violent riots incited by Biden, Harris, and other Democrat politicians resulted in the largest increase in America's homicide rate in modern history and the most economically destructive riots ever recorded.
- In office, Biden has surrounded himself with Defund-the-Police Radicals.
- Biden’s Labor Secretary, Marty Walsh, proposed redirecting $12 million away from the Boston Police Department as Mayor.
- Biden Justice Department Associate Attorney General Vanita Gupta believes it is “critical” to “decrease police budgets and the scope, role, and responsibility of police in our lives.”
- Biden Assistant Attorney General Kristen Clarke asserted that “We must invest less in police.
- Crime in America’s largest cities (all Democrat-run) SKYROCKETED during the first part of the year, with a 24% increase in the murder rate over last year according to the latest data.
- 12 major Democrat-run cities have now hit all-time homicide records—Philadelphia, Columbus, Toledo, St. Paul, Indianapolis, Austin, Albuquerque, and Tucson to name a few.
- Carjackings are also soaring in Democrat-run cities with “Chicago seeing a 44% increase, Washington, D.C. up 45%, and New York an 81% increase,” according to the National Insurance Crime Bureau.
- BIDEN’S WEAK ON CRIME JUSTICE DEPARTMENT has dismissed nearly half of federal cases against Portland rioters. Biden has pushed to end cash bail including for persons charged with violent crimes, moved to slash sentences for drug traffickers and made permanent a policy that allowed thousands of “at risk” federal prisoners to spend their prison sentences at home.
- Biden is also pushing legislation to strip officers of qualified immunity, an attack on law enforcement everywhere.
- It’s no surprise that, under Biden, police officers are leaving their forces en-masse. The retirement rate in police departments nationwide increased by 45% over 2020 and 2021 with another 18% of officers resigning from their positions. This depletion of experienced cops makes rare and tragic mistakes drastically more likely. Meanwhile, Biden’s unconstitutional vaccine mandate is driving even more officers off the job.
- Biden is hiring prosecutors who refuse to prosecute crime. He recently nominated Rachael Rollins to become the U.S. Attorney for Massachusetts. As District Attorney, Rollins refused to prosecute trespass, shoplifting, larceny, disorderly conduct, receiving stolen property, driving with a suspended license, breaking and entering, wanton or malicious destruction of property, threats, possession with intent to distribute, non-marijuana drug possession, and resisting arrest.
- Under this Radical Democrat leadership at the federal, state, and local level, the country is falling into TOTAL MEYHEM. From suburban Philadelphia to Chicago to San Francisco, lawlessness is breaking out, with waves of smash-and-grab robberies seen almost every day
- In Chicago, fourteen robbers barged into a Louis Vuitton store and left with over $100,000 in handbags. In San Francisco’s Central District, larceny and theft incidents are up nearly 90% and overall crime is up almost 52% through November.
- HOW BAD IS IT?The Biden IRS is issuing guidance that criminals must report stolen property as INCOME on their taxes.(“Stole something? IRS says stolen property and bribes must be reported as income” – USA Today, December 28, 2021)
- Under President Trump, we supported our police and law enforcement like never before.
- President Trump ENDED the Obama administration’s 8-year crusade against law enforcement, revitalized Project Safe Neighborhoods to step up prosecutions of violent criminals, made $760 billion in surplus military equipment available to protect officers in the line of duty, sent hundreds of federal officers to Chicago, Detroit, Albuquerque, and other cities to support local law enforcement through Operation Legend, supported the DEATH PENALTY for cop killers, and provided states $400 million dollars to hire MORE police.
- Under President Trump, the United States achieved ENERGY INDEPENDENCE, became the number one oil and gas producer on earth, and a NET ENERGY EXPORTER for the first time in 70 years.
- Under the Trump administration, average annual gas prices fell to theirlowest level in more than 15 years, and American families SAVED $2,500 a year in lower gas prices and electric bills.
- President Trump APPROVED the Keystone XL and Dakota Access pipelines, opened ANWR to oil and gas exploration and development, rolled back burdensome and unnecessary regulations that hurt energy production, streamlined regulations for energy infrastructure permitting, slashed the time to approve drilling permits on public land in half, ended the War on Coal, CANCELLED the Obama administration’s so-called Clean Power Plan, and withdrew from the disastrous, one-sided Paris Climate Accord.
- At the same time, the air became 7 percent cleaner, and the U.S. reduced emissions more than any country in the Paris Agreement after the U.S. withdrew—reaching the lowest level in 25 years.
- Biden has systematically dismantled the foundations of American Energy Independence to satisfy AOC, Ilhan Omar, and the other extremists calling the shots in the Democrat Party.
- Biden CANCELED the Keystone XL pipeline on his first day—and then he approved the Russian Pipeline!
- He rejoined the Paris Climate Accord, which allows China and India to keep polluting while decimating U.S. manufacturing and punishing Middle Class Americans with an estimated $30,000 in increased energy costs for a family of four over ten years.
- Biden halted new oil and natural gas leases on federal lands, began onerous “reviews” of existing energy production permits, attacked oil and gas producers, closed off ANWR for drilling, and is currently considering a full fracking ban.
- He has targeted energy companies for crippling tax hikes, directed agencies to impose new regulations requiring companies to disclose “climate-related financial risk” (a strategy to promote “divestment” in the U.S. energy industry), and is currently considering a plan to shut down a pipeline in Michigan that transports over half-a-million barrels of oil a day. Meanwhile, his gigantic spending and “infrastructure bills” double-down on this fringe agenda by investing hundreds of billions in the socialist GREEN NEW DEAL.
- As a result, energy prices are soaring—helping drive the Bidenflation crisis.
- The consumer price index for energy rose by a whopping 33.3% over the last year; the index for gasoline rose by over 58%, and the index for fuel oil increased by over 59% since last year.
- Nationwide, gas prices are up 50% since this time last year.
- Because of Biden’s disastrous anti-energy policies, Americans using natural gas could pay up to 50% more on heating than they did last year. Those who use propane could spend as much as 94% more. (Energy Information Administration, “Short-Term Energy Outlook” – December 7, 2021)
- Now Joe Biden is begging OPEC for help—after he attacked domestic production and then picked a completely unnecessary fight with Saudi Arabia.
- To ease political pressure amid his collapsing approval ratings, Biden also recklessly tapped into the Strategic Reserve that President Trump filled up at bargain prices to be used in case of national emergency.
- Asked recently what he would do to lower gas prices, Biden admitted, “I must tell you, I don’t have a near-term answer.”
- Secretary of Energy Jennifer Granholm thinks the Biden energy crisis is FUNNY. Asked how Biden would address it, she declared, “That is hilarious. Would that I had the magic wand on this.”
- Meanwhile, absentee Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg (who deserted his job for 3 months in the midst of the largest supply chain crisis in American history) has proclaimed that Americans worried about gas prices should purchase an electric vehicle and they will “never have to worry about gas prices again.” Perhaps the Biden administration hasn’t heard that the average electric vehicle goes for almost $56,000, considerably more than the average American makes in a year.
- PROMOTING CRITICAL RACE THEORY AND OTHER MARXIST IDEOLOGIES – On his first day in office, Biden dissolved President Trump’s 1776 Commission that was dedicated to celebrating American history, and signed an Executive Order to push trainings in toxic Critical Race Theory throughout the federal government.
- INDOCTRINATING AMERICA’S CHILDREN– Biden’s Department of Education proposed a rule providing taxpayer funding for public schools to teach CRT and leftist attacks on the American founding, including the historically-discredited 1619 Project and a textbook that openly called for racial discrimination, claiming, “The only remedy to past discrimination is present discrimination. The only remedy to present discrimination is future discrimination.
- UNLEASHING THE FBI AND JUSTICE DEPARTMENT ON PATRIOTIC PARENTS – Biden’s Attorney General ordered the DOJ and FBI to target parents showing up at school board meetings objecting to Critical Race Theory and leftist gender ideology being forced down their children’s throats
- IMPOSING ILLEGAL GOVERNMENT DISCRIMINTION – From distributing lifesaving COVID treatments to providing loan relief for farmers, Biden has replaced the Constitution’s promise of equal treatment under the law with the Marxist principle of “equity”—code for government discrimination based on race and gender.
- DRIVING UP THE COST OF CHILDCARE– Biden’s socialist “Build Back Better” plan is projected to DOUBLE the price of childcare for hardworking Americans, with one study by one of the nation’s top economists showing that a typical family with an infant and a four-year-old would pay an additional $27,000 a year in childcare costs under Biden’s plan. Even left-wing analysts are admitting it is insane.
- MOST ANTI-LIFE PRESIDENT OF ALL TIME – Biden eliminated the Hyde Amendment in his budget and went all-in on taxpayer-funded abortion. He reversed the Mexico City Policy and is now sending U.S. taxpayer dollars to fund abortions globally, and he also eliminated the Trump administration order that restricted funding for the abortion industry here in the U.S.
- TAXPAYER-FUNDED PAYOFFS TO FAKE NEWS JOURNALISTS– BBB includes $1.7 billion to subsidize the payrolls of media organizations, an outrageous payoff and violation of journalists’ “independence.”
- SHAMELESS GOVERNMENT CENSORSHIP OF FREE SPEECH – Press Secretary Psaki stated chillingly that the White House is “regularly making sure social media platforms are aware of the latest narratives” and believes that if a user is banned from one platform, they should be banned from ALL platforms.
- ATTACKING RELIGIOUS LIBERTYAND FREEDOM OF CONSCIENCE – The Biden administration has moved to dismantle religious protections for churches and businesses, gut faith-based adoption, abolish girls’ sports, and require doctors to perform unalterable gender-transition surgeries on children without parental notification.
- ATTACKING THE SECOND AMENDMENT– Biden proposed a sweeping attack on the right to keep and bear arms in his widely-panned and bizarrely-delayed Address to a Joint Session of Congress. He also nominated a radical gun grabber to lead the ATF, an extremist who said he believed the government should “arrest [gun-owners] before committing crimes rather than responding after the fact.”
- RADICAL ASSAULT ON ELECTION INTEGRITY AND THE RIGHT TO VOTE– Biden and the Radical Left Democrats in Congress spent 2021 pushing legislation to usurp states’ sacred Constitutional authority to run their own elections. The Democrats are trying to institutionalize massive election “fraud-by-design.” Their legislation would ban Voter ID nationwide, mandate that states allow “ballot harvesting” (a well-known technique Democrat operatives use to cheat), and much, much more.
- RESUMING OBAMA’S CRUSADE TO ABOLISH THE SUBURBS – Biden reimposed Obama’s radical “AFFH” housing power-grab that puts leftist federal bureaucrats in charge of local zoning, so they can carry out the far-left’s war to abolish single-family home zoning nationwide.
- President Donald J. Trump
Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America 12/29/21
More cases of COVID-19, sometimes referred to as the China Virus, are recorded in the U.S. today than ever before—not even close, and the Fake News Media refuses to print the real numbers. Do you remember when the Democrats campaign was based on the fact that they would quickly and easily get rid of the China Virus? Their whole campaign was a lie from Religion, to the Border, to the Military, to the Economy, to Inflation, to the loss of Energy Independence and, of course, most embarrassing of all, to the inept, grossly incompetent withdrawal from Afghanistan. All of those things, together with the Rigged 2020 Presidential Election, are the REAL BIG LIE!
- President Donald J. Trump
Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America 12/29/21
The Unselect Committee of Radical Left Democrats, and two failed Republicans, has just dropped a large portion of their request for my records and documents—a very big story even though the New York Times refused to put it on the front page. The reason that they dropped the records request is that they don’t want this horror show to happen to Biden and Hunter in three years. This also changes the entire complexion of their request, not that there are any documents that would be incriminating or a problem for me—but the Witch Hunt continues!
- President Donald J. Trump
ICYMI: “Working class won big under Trump’s Tax Cuts and Jobs Act” 12/29/21
Read the full article by Christopher Tremoglie with the Washington Examiner here.
- President Donald J. Trump
ICYMI: “CORTES–Even CNN’s Polling Shows Energized 2022 Voters Are Split on Whether 2020 Was Stolen” 12/29/21
Read the full article by Steve Cortes for the National Pulse here.
- President Donald J. Trump
ICYMI: “I&I/TIPP Poll: 60% Of Republicans Want Trump To Run In 2024; Just 37% Of Dems Want Biden To” 12/29/21
Read the full article by Terry Jones with Issues & Insights here.
- President Donald J. Trump
One year in, Joe Biden is a failed president who has surrendered to the Virus and broken his number one promise to the American people: to end the pandemic once-and-for-all.
A RECORD OF COMPLETE AND TOTAL FAILURE: Joe Biden was handed every tool he could have asked for by President Trump—3 vaccines, 5+ lifesaving therapeutics, vast quantities of medical and personal protective equipment, a full array of testing options for COVID (at-home tests, rapid tests, and PCR tests, none of which existed before) as well as a full year of data, study, and scientific knowledge. Yet despite all of this, Biden has failed so badly that more people died in 2021 than died in all of 2020.
- By Biden’s own standard, he should be removed from office. During the second presidential debate on October 22, 2020, Biden said, "220,000 Americans dead… Anyone who's responsible for that many deaths should not remain as president of the United States."
- Since Biden took office, 400,000 Americans have died from COVID-19.
- After Biden prematurely declared victory over the virus earlier this year, daily average cases have increased nearly 1,700%.
- Over 27 million Americans have been infected with the coronavirus on Joe Biden’s watch, and there are now an average of 243,000 new coronavirus cases every day—nearly 3x the 7-day rolling case average on Election Day 2020, and it’s going higher.
- There are now more than 70,000 people hospitalized, tens of thousands more than on Election Day 2020.
- The test positivity rate is higher today than any point since April 2020—and more than DOUBLE the rate on Election Day 2020 (7-day moving average).
- The White House is now projecting “a winter of severe illness and death.”
- In spite of this atrocious record and the fact that he based his entire campaign on COVID, Biden ended 2021 SURRENDERING to the Virus—just as he surrendered in Afghanistan. “There is no federal solution,” Biden said on December 27, 2021. “This gets solved at a state level.”
- On November 13, 2020, Biden lied about the Trump administration’s COVID record, stating: “This crisis demands a robust and immediate federal response, which has been woefully lacking.”
- Hundreds of schools are once again closing across the country as Biden admits defeat.
- “US alarm at rise in child COVID infections sees school closures back on agenda” – the Guardian, December 27, 2021.
- Thousands of flights are being canceled during Christmas week because of the Biden administration’s breathtaking failures.
- “Major US airlines canceled hundreds more flights Sunday, the third day in a row of mass cancellations and delays over Christmas weekend, as staff and crew call out sick amid the Omicron surge…More than 1,200 US flights were canceled and more than 5,000 were delayed Sunday, according to FlightAware.” – CNN, December 26, 2021.
- Biden’s top COVID advisor Anthony Fauci said the administration may ban unvaccinated Americans from domestic air travel.
- “Fauci says U.S. should consider adding a vaccine requirement for domestic flights” – Washington Post, December 27, 2021.
- Biden ordered private employers to fire unvaccinated Americans from their jobs as he blames the American People for his own failures.
- On December 4, 2020, Biden promised that he would never mandate vaccines, saying, “No I don't think it should be mandatory, I wouldn't demand it be mandatory.” Less than one year later, Biden imposed an unconstitutional federal vaccine mandate and threatened that any American who refused to comply should be “prepared to pay.”
- Biden’s public communication has been a confused mess—with rules and messages changing at a dizzying pace, yet Biden himself does not even follow them.
- On May 13, 2021, Biden said: “If you’ve been fully vaccinated, you no longer need to wear a mask. Let me repeat: If you are fully vaccinated, you no longer need to wear a mask.”
- Last week, Biden said, “Wear a mask.” “It’s critical to mask up in public indoor places.”
- Meanwhile, Biden goes galivanting around the nation’s capital without a mask while sick and coughing: “Biden is spotted maskless at DC restaurant after saying he caught a cold from his grandson” – the Daily Mail, December 4, 2021
- The Trump administration developed a proven system of speed, learning, iteration, innovation, and logistics that produced breakthrough weapons against the virus, and got them to Americans as quickly and plentifully as possible. The Biden administration has done the opposite: rested on their laurels while lecturing the American People and attacking their freedom.
- President Trump invested BILLIONS in therapeutic development and manufacturing as part of Operation Warp Speed, and approved and distributed five therapeutics on an accelerated timetable.
- Because of President Trump’s swift action, hundreds of thousands of critically ill patients received lifesaving treatments such as convalescent plasma and monoclonal antibodies.
- Under Biden, there are now widespread shortages of monoclonal antibodies, one of the most effective treatments for seriously ill patients. Meanwhile, the Biden administration has failed to follow through on bringing new antibody treatments to market to confront new variants. This is a disaster of gigantic proportions.
- Similarly, while maniacally demonizing Americans who have not been vaccinated and trying to get them fired from their jobs, Biden has FAILED to focus on purchasing and quickly distributing adequate supplies of groundbreaking therapeutic treatments, such as Pfizer’s new pill, Paxlovid, which was found to reduce risk of hospitalization or death by 88% when taken shortly after COVID infection.
- When asked how many doses of the lifesaving Pfizer pill the federal government had purchased, Biden replied that he couldn’t remember the precise number and added, “I hope we don’t get there because if people get the shots…they’re not going to be in a position where they’re going to need such a pill.”
- The Pfizer pill’s results were reported in early November, but nearly 2 months later, HHS says the first doses “will begin arriving at dispensing sites by the end of December” but that doses “will be limited at first” and “ramp up…in the coming months.” Many states are receiving only a few hundred doses, and some even less.
- While forecasting “severe illness and death” for the unvaccinated, the Biden White House has barely even mentioned Paxlovid. It has only been mentioned one time in a press briefing since November.
- Everyone knows this would never have happened under President Trump.
- Starting completely from scratch on a novel virus, the Trump administration rapidly built the largest, most robust, and most advanced testing system in human history.
- By January 20, 2021, the United States had conducted over 250 million tests – the most in the world by far.
- Coronavirus testing peaked in January 2021 with approximately 2 million Americans getting tested a day.
- Since President Trump left office, testing has DECLINED on Joe Biden’s watch. Biden has presided over a STAGGERING DECAY of America’ testing infrastructure, leaving the United States UNPREPARED for the Omicron Surge.
- Biden stood by over the summer as millions of testing kits were destroyed, testing sites were dismantled, and testing manufacturers shut down production facilities and laid off workers. (“Maker of Popular COVID Test Told Factory to Destroy Inventory” – New York Times, August 20, 2021))
- The number of tests performed dropped to just 420,000 per day during the summer as the Delta variant began to spread.
- In October, the Biden administration REJECTED a plan that would have produced hundreds of millions more COVID tests and provided all Americans with free rapid tests for the holidays.
- Throughout the Christmas weekend, sick Americans waited for hours in long lines to get access to a COVID test, and many were turned away or met with empty shelves—nearly two years into the pandemic.
- As Biden admitted to ABC News, “You could argue that we should have known a year ago, six months ago, two months ago, a month ago.” He said he “wished [he] had thought about ordering” extra tests months ago.
- Projections by the Department of Health and Human Services now estimate the United States will need 3 to 5 million tests per day by January—but because of Biden’s failures, our testing capacity is nowhere close. (“HHS forecast shows Omicron stretching U.S. COVID testing supply” – Politico, December 15, 2021)
- Under Biden, the United States has fallen far behind other advanced nations on testing.
- In Europe, 46 rapid at-home antigen tests have been approved for use, while the FDA has approved just 14 at-home antigen tests—some of which were authorized by the Trump administration.
- One recent investigation found that under Biden, testing manufacturers applying for emergency use authorization face months-long delays.
- Under President Trump, new coronavirus tests were sometimes approved within 24 hours.
- Even the Washington Post is now criticizing Biden’s testing failures, noting that America has fallen behind the rest of the world.
- WASHINGTON POST: “Americans are still paying a pretty penny for at-home coronavirus tests, which run around $25 for a pack of two — if they can even find one. In contrast, stores in Germany and India sell tests for a few dollars. The United Kingdom provides seven free tests per day to anyone who wants them. Singapore mailed tests to every household.”
- Unlike Trump, Biden inherited the best testing system in the world and a virus we have known about for almost two years. But Biden still explained his failures by trying to claim that “nobody in the whole world saw it [the omicron variant] coming.”
- For months during the 2020 presidential campaign, Biden and Kamala Harris deliberately fomented skepticism about the vaccine.
- In September 2020, Biden said, “Why do we think, God willing, when we get a vaccine — that is good, works — why do we think the public is gonna line up to be willing to take the injection? We’ve lost so much confidence, the American people, in what's said [by the Trump administration].” Biden said, “I don’t trust Donald Trump. And at this point, the American people can’t, either.”
- In September 2020, Harris said, “I would not trust Donald Trump” on a vaccine. During the vice presidential debate the following month, Harris said, “If Donald Trump tells us to take [the vaccine], I’m not taking it.”
- In February 2021, Biden falsely claimed “we didn’t have” the vaccine when he took office.
- But Biden himself received both of his vaccine doses before he took office, and when President Trump left office, over 1 million Americans were being vaccinated a day—all with NO MANDATES, THREATS, OR UNNECESSARY DIVISIVENESS.
- In October 2021 during a CNN town hall event, Biden claimed that America’s widespread vaccine availability was because “I went out and bought everything I could do and buy in sight and it worked.”
- Biden must have forgotten that it was President Trump who invested $14 billion in vaccine development and manufacturing.
- By the time Trump left office, the federal government had secured 464 million vaccine doses, enough vaccine doses for all eligible Americans to get the vaccine by June 2021.
- After inheriting the vaccines, Biden had a solemn obligation to monitor the data, keep the American people fully informed, and promote trust through transparency and communication. Instead, he has lied repeatedly and pursued nonsensical policies like denying natural immunity among those who have recovered from the virus—losing the trust of the American People.
- Biden is now blaming everyone but himself for his administration’s failures, while trying to divide and demonize his fellow Americans, and working with Big Tech giants to censor public debate and scientific discussion.
- As President, Trump was praised even by governors of the opposing party for his non-partisan and unifying approach to confronting this national challenge—and in the White House, he fostered open and vigorous debate among the full spectrum of people with different areas of expertise.
- Biden halted construction of President Trump’s border wall on the first day he took office, tore up our national security travel bans, shredded our asylum cooperation agreements with Mexico and Central American nations, and implemented catch-and-release across the entire U.S. border—triggering a mass influx of illegal migration.
- Almost 2 million illegal aliens from over 160 countries have crossed America’s southern border this year alone—and the true number is much higher than that. There’s no “vaccine mandate” for illegal aliens on the border—yet while inviting in millions of unvaccinated illegal aliens to violate our laws, Biden is fighting to prevent American workers and American children from freely living their lives.
- As the Delta variant spread across the world, Biden’s own administration estimated that nearly 20% of illegal immigrant families who crossed the border were infected with COVID-19—yet Biden refused to stop the flood of illegal migrants.
- By contrast, early in the pandemic, President Trump acted swiftly to ban travel from China in January 2020–a measure that was praised by even Dr. Fauci for “saving lives” but denounced by Biden as “xenophobic” and “hysterical.”
- President Trump also closed the U.S.-Mexico Border to non-essential travel from Mexico, and took action to ensure that anyone entering the U.S. illegally would be quickly returned to their home countries.
- One of the first actions of the Biden administration was to shut down President Trump’s State Department investigation into the Wuhan lab.
- In August 2021, Biden said, regarding the origins of the China virus that, “The world deserves answers, and I will not rest until we get them.” Biden also said, “we all must better understand how COVID-19 came to be in order to prevent further pandemics.”
- But a year into Biden’s presidency, Biden has FAILED to get the truth about the Wuhan lab and he has failed to hold China accountable.
- When Biden was asked two weeks ago why he has not done more to get to the bottom of the CCP’s role in the origins of the coronavirus, Biden just smirked and walked away.
- “Biden smirks when Post asks about pushing China for transparency after 800K COVID deaths” – New York Post, December 15, 2021
- The Biden administration has continually refused to hold China accountable for its role in the deadly spread of the coronavirus, opposing President Trump’s demand that China pay trillions of dollars for the damage it has caused.
- President Trump led the greatest mobilization of American society since World War II, quickly and decisively taking every problem head-on to save millions of American lives.
- Took swift and early action to impose a life-saving travel bans.
- Launched Project Airbridge, which led to the distribution of over a billion pieces of essential medical equipment at time of crisis, including:
- 5 million N-95 respirators, 2.5 million face shields, 945 million gloves, 2.5 million thermometers, 127 million surgical masks, 1.4 million coveralls, 66 million gowns, and 109,000 stethoscopes.
- President Trump mobilized America’s manufacturing muscle—including Ford and General Motors—to produce vast quantities of personal protective equipment, and an unprecedented number of ventilators.
- Between January 2020 and January 2021, the number of ventilators in the national stockpile increased by 705%. Just as he promised, not a single American who needed a ventilator was denied a ventilator.
- President Trump rebuilt America’s strategic national stockpile, which by January 2021 had 18x more N95 masks, 10x more surgical masks, gowns, and gloves, and 3x more face shields than it had in January 2020. By contrast, the Obama-Biden administration left the national stockpile bare.
- To help reopen schools, President Trump provided over 100 million cloth masks for distribution to schools as well as 800,000 BinaxNOW tests to HBCUs.
- The Trump administration built the world’s leading testing system, completing over 250 million tests in 2020.
- The administration’s testing efforts created capacity for over 1.3 billion tests by June 2021.
- The administration protected our nation’s nursing home residents by shipping over 97 million pieces of PPE, over 15,000 antigen testing machines and 5.35 million rapid tests, as well as sending federal strike teams to 96 nursing homes across the country.
- The Trump administration invested $14 billion in vaccine development and manufacturing, and launched some of the largest vaccine trials in American history.
- Through Operation Warp Speed, President Trump harnessed the power of the federal government and scientific community to develop safe and effective COVID vaccines in just 9 months, the fastest in history.
- The Trump administration ramped up vaccine production to historic levels and secured enough vaccine doses for all eligible Americans by June 2021.
- President Trump prioritized vaccine doses to the most vulnerable Americans. As a result, 7 million people in over 70,000 long term care facilities rapidly received lifesaving vaccines.
- President Trump also expertly managed the economy’s safe and strategic reopening—SAVING the U.S. economy, rescuing millions of jobs, getting children safely back to school, and launching the fastest economic recovery on record.
- President Donald J. Trump
Endorsement of Mayes Middleton 12/28/21
Texas Representative Mayes Middleton, who chairs the Texas Freedom Caucus, is a very effective leader in the Texas House. His voting record on Conservative issues is second to none. Mayes championed the forensic audit to identify Voter Fraud in the 2020 Presidential Election, he knows CRT indoctrination is wrong for our school children, he co-authored the bill to triple security along the Texas border, and strongly supports our great Military and Vets, and our under siege Second Amendment. I am proud to give my Complete and Total Endorsement to a MAGA champion, Mayes Middleton!
- President Donald J. Trump
Endorsement of Mike Dunleavy 12/28/21
Mike Dunleavy has been a strong and consistent Conservative since his time in the Alaska State Senate. I was proud to endorse his first run for Governor, and I am proud to support his reelection, too. From his handling of the virus, support of the Constitution—including the Second and Tenth Amendments—taking advantage of all the opportunities Alaska has to offer, and his strong pushback against the Liberal Biden Administration’s attempt to hurt our great Country. Alaska needs Mike Dunleavy as Governor now more than ever. He has my Complete and Total Endorsement but, this endorsement is subject to his non-endorsement of Senator Lisa Murkowski who has been very bad for Alaska, including losing ANWAR, perhaps the most important drilling site in the world, and much else. In other words, if Mike endorses her, which is his prerogative, my endorsement of him is null and void, and of no further force or effect!
- President Donald J. Trump
ICYMI: “Biden reversed the most successful border security policy ever created” 12/28/21
Read the full article by Tom Homan for the Washington Times here.
- President Donald J. Trump
ICYMI: “Biden re-election poll shows dismal 22% support; Harris even worse at 12%” 12/28/21
Read the full article by Joe Dwinell with the Boston Herald here.
- President Donald J. Trump
ICYMI: “Donald Trump and Melania send boxes filled with gifts to family of girl injured in Kentucky tornado” 12/27/21
Read the full article by Andrea Blanco with the Daily Mail here.
- President Donald J. Trump
Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America 12/25/21
Merry Christmas to all. We will Make America Great Again!
- President Donald J. Trump
ICYMI: “Harvard Poll: Trump Would Beat Biden if Election Held Today” 12/23/21
Read the full article by Paul Bois with Breitbart here.
- President Donald J. Trump
ICYMI: “Who speaks for you? Trump 44%, Biden 31%” 12/23/21
Read the full article by Paul Bedard with the Washington Examiner here.
- President Donald J. Trump
ICYMI: “Don’t Let the Door Hit You: America’s Worst Mayor Is Finally Leaving New York City—and Leaving It in Shambles” 12/23/21
Read the full article by Kevin Downey Jr. with PJ Media here.
- President Donald J. Trump
ICYMI: “Most say Biden failing COVID fight, Trump better 49%-39%” 12/23/21
Read the full article by Paul Bedard with the Washington Examiner here.
- President Donald J. Trump
Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America 12/23/21
Has it been at all noticed that I offered to debate anybody, on television or otherwise, about the RIGGED Presidential Election of 2020. This was a publicly stated challenge—I have been called a “ratings machine,” and therefore would be good for television economics—which have not been doing so well lately. With all the bravado out there, I have not had one credible person willing to stand up and debate me in order to defend the CROOKED election. All involved, like those on the Unselect Committee of January 6th, know that it is a losing proposition for them. The election numbers are not defensible. Arizona, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Georgia, Nevada, and probably New Hampshire, Minnesota, New Mexico, and others were all won, and in some cases big, by a certain Republican Presidential Candidate, me. So, after one month, a very public offer to debate, I have no takers—not even the sleazebags you see on the January 6th Commission who speak with such fake reverence about the day. This is Cancel Culture. They think they got away with the Crime of the Century, and they don’t want it to be talked about or discussed. Look at what has happened to our Country, and what a shame it is!
- President Donald J. Trump
Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America 12/23/21
The people being persecuted by the January 6th Unselect Committee should simply tell the truth, that they are angry about the RIGGED Presidential Election of 2020. People are entitled to Freedom of Speech, and perhaps there has been no time in our Country’s history where Freedom of Speech has been so totally violated. They don’t want to talk about election results because they know they can’t win.
- President Donald J. Trump
Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America 12/23/21
Wacko Bette Midler said horrible things about the great people of West Virginia and Joe Manchin, but when I say much less offensive things about her, everybody goes wild. Don’t worry, I’ll tell the real facts about her in my book. I love you, West Virginia!
- President Donald J. Trump
ICYMI: “Alan Dershowitz to Newsmax: Letitia James ‘Undignified,’ ‘Disgrace’ to Law” 12/23/21
Read the full article by Eric Mack with Newsmax here.
- President Donald J. Trump
ICYMI: Kelly Tshibaka statement on Mitch McConnell 12/23/21
Read the full statement by Kelly Tshibaka here.
- President Donald J. Trump
ICYMI: “Report: Establishment Media’s Readership Collapses Up to 48% Without Trump’s Presidency” 12/23/21
Read the full article by Wendell Husebo with Breitbart here.
- President Donald J. Trump
ICYMI: “Make No Mistake, the Trump Era Will Endure” 12/22/21
Read the full article by Conrad Black with Newsmax here.
- President Donald J. Trump
ICYMI: “JPMorgan to pay $200M over failure to monitor employee communications” 12/22/21
Read the full article by Lydia Moynihan with the New York Post here.
- President Donald J. Trump
ICYMI: “Don’t buy the pseudo-scientific hype about tornadoes and climate change” 12/22/21
Read the full article from the New York Post here.
- President Donald J. Trump
ICYMI: “Alan Dershowitz to Newsmax: Letitia James ‘Undignified,’ ‘Disgrace’ to Law” 12/22/21
Read the full article by Eric Mack with Newsmax here.
- President Donald J. Trump
ICYMI: “New NC-SEN Poll: Budd Leading McCrory By 4 Points” 12/22/21
Read the full article by Joe Kildea with Club for Growth here.
- President Donald J. Trump
ICYMI: “Nolte: 58% Say Joe Biden Not Mentally or Physically Capable of Being President” 12/22/21
Read the full article by John Nolte with Breitbart here.
- President Donald J. Trump
ICYMI: “I&I/TIPP Poll: Only One-Fifth of Americans Want Biden to Top 2024 Ticket” 12/22/21
Read the full article by Sandy Fitzgerald with Newsmax here.
- President Donald J. Trump
ICYMI: “President Biden’s job approval sinking on inflation, crime and COVID: POLL” 12/22/21
Read the full article by Brittany Shepherd with ABC here.
- President Donald J. Trump
ICYMI: “Biden’s COVID campaign promises have aged terribly” 12/22/21
Read the full article by Brad Polumbo with the Washington Examiner here.
- President Donald J. Trump
ICYMI: “Jake Sullivan’s Wife Faces Growing Calls for Recusal From Durham Probe” 12/21/21
Read the full article by Chuck Ross with the Washington Free Beacon here.
- President Donald J. Trump
ICYMI: “Yuma mayor declares local emergency in response to border surge” 12/21/21
Read the full article by Arizona Family here.
- President Donald J. Trump
ICYMI: “Did Mark Zuckerberg Buy the Oval Office for Joe Biden?” 12/21/21
Read the full article by Rajan Laad with American Thinker here.
- President Donald J. Trump
ICYMI: “Weak Joe Biden no match for Vladimir Putin and other foes: Goodwin” 12/21/21
Read the full article by Michael Goodwin with the New York Post here.
- President Donald J. Trump
Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America 12/21/21
Why isn’t the Unselect Committee of highly partisan political hacks investigating the CAUSE of the January 6th protest, which was the rigged Presidential Election of 2020? Does anybody notice that they want to stay as far away from that topic as possible, the numbers don’t work for them, or even come close. The only thing they can do is not talk about it. Look at what is going on now in Pennsylvania, Arizona, Georgia, Wisconsin, and, to a lesser extent, Michigan where the numbers are horrendously corrupt in Detroit, but the weak Republican RINOs in the Michigan House and Senate don’t want to touch the subject. In many ways a RINO is worse than a Radical Left Democrat, because you don’t know where they are coming from and you have no idea how bad they really are for our Country. The good news is there are fewer and fewer RINOs left as we elect strong Patriots who love America. I will be having a news conference on January 6th at Mar-a-Lago to discuss all of these points, and more. Until then, remember, the insurrection took place on November 3rd, it was the completely unarmed protest of the rigged election that took place on January 6th.
- President Donald J. Trump
Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America 12/21/21
Joe Biden was supposedly “elected” because he was going to quickly get rid of COVID-19, sometimes referred to as the China Virus. How’s that working out?
- President Donald J. Trump
ICYMI: “Meet Ray Epps, Part 2: Damning New Details Emerge Exposing Massive Web Of Unindicted Operators At The Heart Of January 6” 12/20/21
Wow, much being learned about the January 6th protest. Remember, the insurrection took place on November 3rd!
Read the full article from Revolver here.
- President Donald J. Trump
Endorsement of Tim O’Hare 12/20/21
It is my great honor to fully endorse a truly great gentleman, Tim O’Hare, who is running for County Judge in Tarrant County. Tim is strong on Crime, the Borders, our Second Amendment, and loves our Great Military and Vets. Texas is lucky to have him—he will never let you down, and he will always be fair. Tim O’Hare has my Complete and Total Endorsement!
- President Donald J. Trump
ICYMI: Christina Bobb: One Year After the Rigged Election 12/20/21
Watch Christina Bobb's monologue on OAN here.
- President Donald J. Trump
Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America 12/20/21
Saturday and Sunday, two great days—one in Houston and one in Dallas!
- President Donald J. Trump
Endorsement of Congressman Andrew Clyde 12/20/21
Congressman Andrew Clyde is doing a fantastic job for the incredible people of Northeast Georgia. He is working tirelessly to promote our America First Agenda, protect our Rights and Liberties, secure our Border, support our Military and Veterans, and stop Big Government Socialism. As a gun store owner, he understands the importance of our beloved Second Amendment, and will always defend it. He has a proven record of standing up for our Country. Andrew Clyde is a strong conservative who fights for our Constitution. Andrew has my Complete and Total Endorsement!
- President Donald J. Trump
Endorsement of Angela Paxton 12/20/21
Angela Paxton has my Complete and Total Endorsement for her reelection to the Texas Senate. She always puts America and Texas first, and has been a strong fighter for Conservative values. She is Pro-Life, Pro-Gun Rights, and Pro-Border Security. She has been a champion on these and many other issues. I encourage everyone in Texas Senate District Eight to vote for Angela Paxton on March 1st!
- President Donald J. Trump
Endorsement of Congressman Vern Buchanan 12/20/21
Congressman Vern Buchanan is a terrific representative of the people of Florida. He is working hard to lower our Taxes, grow our Economy, support our Military and Vets, protect our Seniors, and defend our Second Amendment. Vern has my Complete and Total Endorsement!
- President Donald J. Trump
Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America, in Response to Letitia James 12/20/21
Tell Letitia that she is not dealing with the Cuomo brothers, a corrupt Governor in a corrupt state, including your office and others, and Fredo, who did the Governor’s dirty work for him. Despite many years of investigation that nobody else could have survived even if they did things just slightly wrong, yours is just a continuation of the political Witch Hunt that has gone on against me by the Radical Left Democrats for years. This is not about delay, this is about our Constitution! You are nothing but a corrupt official doing the dirty work of your party. You should not be in office. This could well be the reason you were just rejected by the people of NY in your inept run for governor. You didn’t quit for a higher purpose, you quit because your poll numbers were atrocious—you didn’t have a chance. New York got lucky!
Filed Complaint Trump v. James
- President Donald J. Trump
Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America, in Response to Letitia James 12/20/21
Tell Letitia that she is not dealing with the Cuomo brothers, a corrupt Governor in a corrupt state, including your office and others, and Fredo, who did the Governor’s dirty work for him. Despite many years of investigation that nobody else could have survived even if they did things just slightly wrong, yours is just a continuation of the political Witch Hunt that has gone on against me by the Radical Left Democrats for years. This is not about delay, this is about our Constitution! You are nothing but a corrupt official doing the dirty work of your party. You should not be in office. This could well be the reason you were just rejected by the people of NY in your inept run for governor. You didn’t quit for a higher purpose, you quit because your poll numbers were atrocious—you didn’t have a chance. New York got lucky!
- President Donald J. Trump
ICYMI: “Clueless Joe Biden Can’t Grasp Any Of The Crises He’s Created” 12/20/21
Read the full article from Issues & Insights here.
- President Donald J. Trump
ICYMI: “Graham warns GOP about Trump’s wrath on debt vote” 12/20/21
Read the full article by Alexander Bolton with The Hill here.
- President Donald J. Trump
ICYMI: “Biden’s Border Crisis Is Killing More Americans Than Ever With Spike In Drug Trafficking” 12/20/21
Read the full article by Vince Bielski with the Federalist here.
- President Donald J. Trump
ICYMI: “The ‘cabal’ that bragged of foisting Joe Biden on us must answer for his failed presidency” 12/20/21
Read the full article by Glenn H. Reynolds with the New York Post here.
- President Donald J. Trump
ICYMI: “From inflation to crime, reality painfully crashes the illusions of Biden Democrats” 12/20/21
Read the full article by John Solomon with Just the News here.
- President Donald J. Trump
Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America 12/19/21
- President Donald J. Trump
Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America 12/19/21
President Trump at the American Airlines Center in Dallas, Texas being interviewed by Bill O’Reilly. Lots of energy and enthusiasm!
- President Donald J. Trump
Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America 12/18/21
A great evening in Houston, Texas—thank you! See you tomorrow, Dallas!
- President Donald J. Trump
ICYMI: “CNN’s Don Lemon blasted for not mentioning his own key role in Jussie Smollett drama” 12/18/21
Read the full article by Lee Brown with the New York Post here.
- President Donald J. Trump
ICYMI: “Letitia James dropped out of NY gov race after failing to fundraise: sources” 12/18/21
Read the full article by Rich Calder and Jon Levine with the New York Post here.
- President Donald J. Trump
Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America 12/18/21
Word is that CNN and its new owners want Jeff Zucker out, not only because of the turmoil of Fredo Cuomo, the Don Lemon (“the dumbest man on television”) escapades, and so much else, but primarily because his ratings have gone to an all-time low, and the so-called “network” is rudderless. In any event, that’s great news for America. Maybe CNN can be brought back to what it was in the good old days of the legendary Ted Turner. Jeff will always bomb, just as he did at NBC years before!
- President Donald J. Trump
Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America 12/18/21
Airport opened, landing now. We’ll be right there, Houston. Will do extra special performance!
- President Donald J. Trump
ICYMI: “Trump says wokeness can’t stop Christmas: ‘America loves Christmas’” 12/18/21
Read the full article by Matthew Miller with the Washington Examiner here.
- President Donald J. Trump
ICYMI: “Exclusive—Poll: Trump-Backed David Perdue Takes Commanding Lead Over Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp in Primary” 12/18/21
Read the full article by Matthew Boyle with Breitbart here.
- President Donald J. Trump
ICYMI: “EXCLUSIVE: New NHJournal Poll Finds Biden, BBB Underwater With Granite State Voters” 12/18/21
Read the full article by Michael Graham with the NH Journal here.
- President Donald J. Trump
ICYMI: “Two Polls Show Growing Fear That Biden’s Spending Will Make Inflation Worse” 12/18/21
Read the full article by Harry Wilmerding with the Daily Caller here.
- President Donald J. Trump
Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America 12/18/21
All the Democrats want to do is put people in jail. They are vicious, violent, and Radical Left thugs. They are destroying people’s lives, which is the only thing they are good at. They couldn’t get out of Afghanistan without disgracing our Country. The economy and inflation are a disaster. They’re letting thugs and murderers into our Country—their DA’s, AG’s, and Dem Law Enforcement are out of control. This is what happens in communist countries and dictatorships, and they don’t think they’ll be held accountable for rigging the 2020 Presidential Election. The Jan. 6 Unselect Committee is a coverup for what took place on November 3rd, and the people of our Country won’t stand for it.
- President Donald J. Trump
Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America 12/18/21
The Democrats are now on a new kick with their so-called Voting Rights Bill, which is a disaster for our Country and certainly the Republican Party. The problem is, good old Mitch gave away our primary negotiating weapon—the debt limit, and he got nothing for it. This is Democrat controlled legislation that will make it virtually impossible for Republicans to win elections. It is a scam, as is everything else being put forth by the Democrats. McConnell is the best thing that ever happened to them!
- President Donald J. Trump
ICYMI: “Marjorie Taylor Greene Calls Mitch McConnell ‘Biden’s B*tch’ Over Debt Ceiling Vote” 12/17/21
Read the full article by Brendan Cole with Newsweek here.
- President Donald J. Trump
ICYMI: Liz Cheney at forefront of hollow Jan. 6 war: Devine 12/17/21
Read the full article by Miranda Devine with the New York Post here.
- President Donald J. Trump
Endorsement of Mike Hoadley 12/16/21
Whenever I go to Michigan, I get the biggest crowds and meet some of the best people. Mike Hoadley is a mayor, father, husband, and an Army Veteran. Leaders like Mike are stepping forward because they saw the greatest crime in American History—the theft of the 2020 Presidential Election—and are going to stop the steal and stop Election Fraud. I wholeheartedly Endorse Mike Hoadley for Michigan State Representative.
- President Donald J. Trump
ICYMI: “Biden’s Broken Promises Show There is No Secret Plan to Fight COVID” 12/16/21
Read the full article by Ronna McDaniel for Townhall here.
- President Donald J. Trump
ICYMI: “During January 6 Hearing, Schiff Doctored Text Messages Between Mark Meadows And Rep. Jim Jordan” 12/15/21
What a disgrace this sleazeball is. Shifty Adam Schiff is a disgrace to America. What is going to be done about this?
Read the full article by Sean Davis with the Federalist here.
- President Donald J. Trump
Endorsement of Congresswoman Lauren Boebert 12/15/21
Congresswoman Lauren Boebert has done a fantastic job in her first term representing Colorado’s Third District. She is a fearless leader, a defender of the America First Agenda, and a fighter against the Loser RINOs and Radical Democrats. She will continue to be tough on Crime, strong on Borders, and always protect our under-siege Second Amendment. Lauren has my Complete and Total Endorsement for her reelection!
- President Donald J. Trump
Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America 12/15/21
Mitch McConnell has given away the Unfrastructure Bill and will soon be giving away the Build Back Worse Bill, which will change the very fabric of our society. This was all made possible by the two-month extension he gave the Democrats, the separation of the two Bills, and, most importantly, his lack of courage in playing the Debt Ceiling Card. He has grabbed defeat from the jaws of victory! How this guy can stay as Leader is beyond comprehension—this is coming not only from me, but from virtually everyone in the Republican Party. He is a disaster and should be replaced as “Leader” ASAP!
- President Donald J. Trump
Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America 12/15/21
Letitia James wants to politically weaponize her position as Attorney General instead of exemplifying impartiality and protecting the interests of all New Yorkers. While she pretends that she suspended her short-lived campaign for New York Governor to go after me, she conveniently fails to mention that she couldn’t garner any support and her poll numbers were abysmal—she had no chance of even coming close to winning. Despite weeks of campaigning, she was losing to Governor Hochul by what would have been a massive landslide. She didn’t drop out of the race for a higher purpose, or to “finish existing business” (I wonder what that would be?). She dropped out because her campaign was a complete failure, possibly because the citizens of New York saw how unfairly and viciously she and other highly partisan New York Democrat prosecutors were treating President Donald J. Trump. It’s called Prosecutorial Misconduct. Rather than continue to waste her time and taxpayer resources on a long continuing Witch Hunt against the Republican Party and me, she should focus her attention on helping to resurrect the once Great State of New York where crime and poverty continue to wreak havoc, with murder, rape, drug sales, and just about every other form of crime at record levels, and now with a just-announced highest unemployment rate in the Nation. New York is dying before our very eyes, and all the Democrat Prosecutors are focused on is how we can get and punish Donald Trump, who many would say has done, over the years, a spectacular job for New York!
- President Donald J. Trump
Endorsement of Angela Rigas 12/13/21
I love people who love America and who know we have to fight the Deep State to take America back. We need great leaders to rise up and continue that fight for our values. Angela Rigas is a committed fighter! She is a champion for America First and for documenting the 2020 Voter Fraud, and an amazing American. She embodies the spirit that made America great, and it is no surprise to me that she’s related to Revolutionary War Heroes. Mom of four boys, Angela stood toe to toe in court against Michigan’s disgraced shutdown Governor Gretchen Whitmer and crazed Attorney General Dana Nessel. She’s not afraid to fight, and not afraid to lead. That’s exactly what Michigan needs right now. I wholeheartedly Endorse Angela Rigas for Michigan State Representative!
- President Donald J. Trump
Endorsement of Jacky Eubanks 12/13/21
Every RINO runs as a supposed Conservative. Mitch McConnell says that he’s a Conservative, but he isn’t. Mike Shirkey and Lee Chatfield said they were Conservatives, but they are cowards who let Election Fraud happen in Michigan. The Michigan House has the subpoena returns stored with their so-called lawyers at Warner Norcross, but they won’t let anyone see them, including legislators. What are they hiding? A thousand affidavits showed voter fraud throughout Michigan, and where were our Legislators? They did nothing!
Jacky Eubanks has taken it upon herself to go out and document voter fraud. This courageous young woman went door-to-door in Macomb County and Detroit asking voters if they really voted, and she is finding further proof of the rampant Election Fraud in 2020. The media could have done this work, but wouldn’t. The Republicans in the Michigan Legislature could have done this work, but they are weak Republicans, so they did nothing. But Jacky Eubanks has been out there, working hard, on her own. I wholeheartedly Endorse Jacky Eubanks for Michigan State Representative. She is an America First Patriot, and I have no doubt that she will have a great future in the Republican Party!
- President Donald J. Trump
Endorsement of Congressman Byron Donalds 12/13/21
Congressman Byron Donalds has been a terrific advocate for the people of Florida and our Country. He is doing a great job. Byron is strong on Education, a defender of the Second Amendment, fights to protect our Border, believes that America should be Energy Independent, and is dedicated to Low Taxes and a Strong Economy. He is a supporter of our America First policies and knows the importance of our Great Vets and values our important Military men and women. Byron is working hard for our Country every day. He has my Complete and Total Endorsement!
- President Donald J. Trump
Endorsement of Congressman Ronny Jackson 12/13/21
Admiral Ronny Jackson is a great patriot, a great doctor, and a great Congressman. Ronny took on the Swamp with me from Day One, and is an incredible fighter for the people of Texas. He is a strong America First warrior, always will protect our Second Amendment, and fight for Secure Borders and Jobs. As a Veteran himself, he deeply loves our Military and our Vets. Ronny Jackson has my Complete and Total Endorsement!
P.S. Ronny’s brand new book, Holding the Line, is out soon. It is a great look at politics and the Trump White House. Pre-order it today!
- President Donald J. Trump
ICYMI: “Build Back beatdown for Biden: Fiscal double whammy for prez and his agenda” 12/13/21
Read the full article by Stephen Moore with the New York Post here.
- President Donald J. Trump
ICYMI: “‘It’s just crazy’: 12 major cities hit all-time homicide records” 12/13/21
Read the full article by Bill Hutchinson with ABC News here.
- President Donald J. Trump
ICYMI: “Will New York Times, Washington Post return Pulitzer for misleading Russia collusion stories?” 12/13/21
Those responsible for the designation of the now contaminated, discredited, and disgraced Pulitzer Prize, have still not, amazingly, withdrawn their prizes from the failing New York Times and Amazon Washington Post. Their lack of credibility has been a subject all over the world. The longer they wait, the worse it will get!
Read the full article by Hans von Spakovsky with Fox News here.
- President Donald J. Trump
Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America 12/13/21
Isn’t it ironic that Liz Cheney is supporting the same people, Radical Left Democrats, that did everything possible to destroy her father when he was Vice President, and after? When they are finished using “Liz,” they will destroy her also. This is all happening as her poll numbers have reached an all-time low in the Great State of Wyoming!
- President Donald J. Trump
ICYMI: “Republicans just needlessly handed Democrats a blank check on the debt limit” 12/13/21
McConnell has saved the Democrats!
Read the full article by Dan Kowalski with the New York Post here.
- President Donald J. Trump
ICYMI: “What’s hot? Trump books on eBay for $1,600” 12/13/21
Read the full article by Paul Bedard with the Washington Examiner here.
- President Donald J. Trump
ICYMI: “Poll: Trump leads 2024 Republican Primary by 58 Points” 12/13/21
Read the full article by Hannah Bleau with Breitbart here.
- President Donald J. Trump
Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America 12/12/21
Not even believable how bad the morning television ratings are for Psycho Joe Scarborough and his lovely wife, Mika. MSDNC is doing badly, but “Morning Joe” is in particular peril! How much longer can a show like that survive—are the advertisers not watching? The only good news is that CNN, believe it or not, is doing even worse!
- President Donald J. Trump
Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America 12/12/21
Mitch McConnell is giving the Democrats victory on everything. What is wrong with this Broken Old Crow? He’s hurting the Republican Senators and the Republican Party. When will they vote him out of Leadership? He didn’t have the guts to play the Debt Ceiling card, which would have given the Republicans a complete victory on virtually everything. The Dems were ready to fold! Watch, they will use the Debt Ceiling against us at their first opportunity, and they won’t fold. It will not be pretty. GET RID OF MITCH!
- President Donald J. Trump
Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America 12/12/21
Just leaving Orlando, what a great event. Thank you for a job well done to Bill O’Reilly—the wonderful crowd loved it all. Next weekend, Texas!
- President Donald J. Trump
Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America 12/12/21
Yesterday in Sunrise, Florida, with Bill O’Reilly. A beautiful afternoon, a great crowd!
- President Donald J. Trump
Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America 12/12/21
We had a great time in Sunrise, FL yesterday. Very exciting, informative, and fun. We will be back in the area for a major rally in the not too distant future. See you then!
Watch here.
- President Donald J. Trump
Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America 12/11/21
See you in Sunrise, FL, in a little while and tomorrow, Orlando. Big crowds!
- President Donald J. Trump
Endorsement of Congressman Roger Williams 12/10/21
Congressman Roger Williams is doing an incredible job for the Great State of Texas. He fights to support Small Business, grow our Economy, defend our Border, and protect our Second Amendment. He will always put America First. Roger has my Complete and Total Endorsement!
- President Donald J. Trump
Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America 12/10/21
Mitch McConnell, the Broken Old Crow, has just conceded, for absolutely nothing and for no reason, the powerful Debt Ceiling negotiating block, which was the Republicans’ first-class ticket for victory over the Democrats. He was afraid to play that card even though, without question, they would have completely FOLDED on the Build Back Worse Bill, which will destroy the fabric of our Country and virtually anything else that the Republicans wanted. It should have been used on the Unfrastructure Deal also. Proudly, House Republicans voted 100% like true patriots (Kinzinger, in my mind, is not a Republican!). The Old Crow also allowed a breaking up of the filibuster, which allows the Democrats now to establish precedent for changing the number of Justices on the Supreme Court and, perhaps most importantly of all, a so-called Voting Rights Bill, which will make it almost impossible for Republicans to get elected in the future. He lost two seats in Georgia, didn’t fight for the presidency, and now gave away our most powerful negotiating tool—the Debt Ceiling. Other than fundraising, where he buys senatorial support, the Broken Old Crow is a loser, and very bad for the Republican Party!
- President Donald J. Trump
Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America 12/10/21
Mitch McConnell, the Broken Old Crow, has just conceded, for absolutely nothing and for no reason, the powerful Debt Ceiling negotiating block, which was the Republicans’ first-class ticket for victory over the Democrats. He was afraid to play that card even though, without question, they would have completely FOLDED on the Build Back Worse Bill, which will destroy the fabric of our Country and virtually anything else that the Republicans wanted. It should have been used on the Unfrastructure Deal also. Proudly, House Republicans voted 100% like true patriots (Kinzinger, in my mind, is not a Republican!). The Old Crow also allowed a breaking up of the filibuster, which allows the Democrats now to establish precedent for changing the number of Justices on the Supreme Court and, perhaps most importantly of all, a so-called Voting Rights Bill, which will make it almost impossible for Republicans to get elected in the future. He lost two seats in Georgia, didn’t fight for the presidency, and now gave away our most powerful negotiating tool—the Debt Ceiling. Other than fundraising, where he buys senatorial support, the Broken Old Crow is a loser, and very bad for the Republican Party!
- President Donald J. Trump
Endorsement of Congressman Michael Cloud 12/10/21
Congressman Michael Cloud is doing a phenomenal job serving the incredible people of Texas. He fights hard to support our Farmers and Vets, secure our Border, defend our Second Amendment, and hold Joe Biden and the Radical Left accountable. Michael is a strong supporter of our America First agenda, and has my Complete and Total Endorsement!
- President Donald J. Trump
Endorsement of Congresswoman Beth Van Duyne 12/10/21
Congresswoman Beth Van Duyne is doing a terrific job for the incredible people of North Texas! She is working hard to secure our Border, support our Military and Vets, grow our Economy, protect our Rights and Liberties, and defend our Second Amendment. Beth, a former appointee in my Administration, is a fierce fighter for Conservative Values. She has my Complete and Total Endorsement!
- President Donald J. Trump
Endorsement of Congressman Michael Burgess 12/10/21
Dr. Michael Burgess is a tremendous Congressman for the Great State of Texas. A steadfast supporter of our America First policies, he fights for American Energy Independence, Transparency in Healthcare, and Border Security. He is strong on Law Enforcement, the Military and our Great Vets, and he will always protect and defend the Second Amendment. Michael has my Complete and Total Endorsement!
- President Donald J. Trump
Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America 12/08/21
Mitch McConnell just folded on the Debt Ceiling, a total victory for the Democrats—didn’t use it to kill the $5 Trillion Dollar (real number!) Build Back Worse Bill that will essentially change the fabric of our Country forever. The Old Crow’s two-month extension, and the break up of the Bill into two parts, gave the Democrats everything they needed. The Dems would have folded completely if Mitch properly played his hand, and if not, the Debt Ceiling scenario would be far less destructive than the Bill that will get passed. He has all the cards to win, but not the “guts” to play them. Instead, he gives our Country away, just like he did with the two Senate seats in Georgia, and the Presidency itself. The Old Crow is a disaster!
- President Donald J. Trump
ICYMI: “‘I Believe There Were Irregularities’ in the 2020 Election: What Pence Says to Angry MAGA Fans About What He Did on Jan. 6” 12/08/21
Good man, but big mistake on not recognizing the massive voter fraud and irregularities.
Read the full article by David Brody with CBN here.
- President Donald J. Trump
ICYMI: “Biden’s COVID failure” 12/08/21
Read the full article from the Washington Examiner here.
- President Donald J. Trump
ICYMI: “Biden polling plummets and 2022 midterm red wave gathers strength” 12/08/21
Read the full article by Ronna McDaniel for Fox News here.
- President Donald J. Trump
ICYMI: “Chinese Tariffs Fuel Boom in U.S. Trade With Tech Exporter Taiwan” 12/08/21
Thank you, President Trump!
Read the full article by Josh Zumbrun and Stephanie Yang with the Wall Street Journal here.
- President Donald J. Trump
ICYMI: “Biden’s ‘Build Back Better’ is the very definition of cradle-to-grave, big-government dependency” 12/07/21
Read the full article by Sen. Bill Hagerty for Fox News here.
- President Donald J. Trump
ICYMI: “The world is becoming more dangerous under Joe Biden” 12/07/21
Read the full article from the New York Post here.
- President Donald J. Trump
Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America 12/07/21
Vladimir Putin looks at our pathetic surrender in Afghanistan, leaving behind dead Soldiers, American citizens, and $85 billion worth of Military equipment. He then looks at Biden. He is not worried!
- President Donald J. Trump
ICYMI: “China only grows bolder under Biden” 12/07/21
Read the full article by Cheryl K. Chumley with the Washington Times here.
- President Donald J. Trump
ICYMI: Missouri Loves Trump 12/07/21
I love you, Missouri!
- President Donald J. Trump
Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America 12/07/21
I’m watching Republican Senators talk about fighting the horrendous Build Back Better Bill that the Democrats will push forward, made much easier for them by the 19 Republican Senators who voted for the Democrats Unfrastructure Plan, which is only 11% Infrastructure, and also by McConnell incredibly giving the Democrats a two-month extension, which allowed them to get their act together. Now the Republicans start fighting a much harder war, and I told them this would happen. It’s pathetic! Those 19 Republicans, including the Broken Old Crow, should not be forgotten for what they have done and the absolutely horrible ramifications this Bill will have on the future of our Nation. Just like McConnell blew two Senate seats in Georgia, and wouldn’t fight the Rigged Presidential Election, he gave this one away also.
- President Donald J. Trump
Endorsement of David Perdue 12/06/21
Great to see that David Perdue is running for Governor of Georgia. He is a Conservative fighter who isn’t afraid of the Radical Left, and is the only candidate in Georgia who can beat Stacey “The Hoax” Abrams in November. Brian Kemp has failed Georgia. He caved to Stacey Abrams before the 2020 Election and allowed massive Election Fraud to take place. The signing of the Stacey Abrams-backed Consent Decree, so stupidly giving her and the Democrats everything they wanted, was a monumental mistake for not only Georgia, but also for our Nation!
Kemp has been a very weak Governor—the liberals and RINOs have run all over him on Election Integrity, and more. Most importantly, he can’t win because the MAGA base—which is enormous—will never vote for him. We need strong leaders who will fight, and time is running out! David Perdue will eliminate the Income Tax, secure the Elections, defend the Second Amendment, support our great Farmers, get crime in Atlanta and other places under control, take care of our great Vets, and put parents back in charge of the schools.
- President Donald J. Trump
Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America 12/06/21
Wow, it looks like highly respected Senator David Perdue will be running against RINO Brian Kemp for Governor of Georgia. David was a great Senator, and he truly loves his State and his Country. This will be very interesting, and I can’t imagine that Brian Kemp, who has hurt election integrity in Georgia so badly, can do well at the ballot box (unless the election is rigged, of course). He cost us two Senate seats and a Presidential victory in the Great State of Georgia.
- President Donald J. Trump
Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America 12/06/21
Biden said that he was going to “beat the virus,” but instead, the virus has beaten him—and badly. Far more people died this year than last, despite tremendous help from vaccines and therapeutics developed under “Trump.” He said anybody with his results should leave office. Well Joe, what are you waiting for!
- President Donald J. Trump
Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America 12/06/21
The Fake News continues to push the false narrative that I had Covid prior to the first debate. My Chief of Staff Mark Meadows confirmed I did not have Covid before or during the debate, saying, “And yet, the way that the media wants to spin it is certainly to be as negative about Donald Trump as they possibly can while giving Joe Biden a pass.” Biden goes around coughing on people all over the place, and yet the Corrupt News doesn’t even cover it. They continue to shield Biden, who has been a disaster not just on Covid, where we have more deaths this year than last, but on the Border, the Economy, Inflation, Afghanistan, Gas prices, and everything else. Probably because he’s not supposed to be in office in the first place!
- President Donald J. Trump
Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America 12/04/21
Anybody that doesn’t think there wasn’t massive Election Fraud in the 2020 Presidential Election is either very stupid, or very corrupt!
- President Donald J. Trump
Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America 12/04/21
Do you believe that Shifty Adam Schiff is on the Committee concerning the 2020 protest when he was the one that scammed America and the World on the Russia, Russia, Russia Hoax? He’s a sleezeball that has no credibility and is so bad for our Nation!
- President Donald J. Trump
Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America 12/04/21
I thought Joe Biden was “put in office” to eradicate the Coronavirus, despite the fact that he previously had failed so badly with the H1N1 pandemic. Well, I guess that didn’t work out too well because it was just announced that we’ve had more cases than ever before. The only difference is, the Fake News doesn’t like reporting the real facts. They are the enemy of the people and more dishonest than they have ever been before.
- President Donald J. Trump
Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America 12/04/21
Mark Meadows’ new book, The Chief’s Chief, rightfully spends much time talking about the large-scale Election Fraud that took place in the 2020 Presidential Election. Likewise, the crooked and highly partisan Unselect Committee of political hacks looking into the January 6th protest of the Election should spend their time studying the Election Fraud of 2020, also known as the Crime of Century.
- President Donald J. Trump
ICYMI: “Team Biden, you can’t blame looting gangs on COVID and Trump—look in the mirror” 12/03/21
Read the full article from the New York Post here.
- President Donald J. Trump
ICYMI: “Job growth disappoints in November, with a gain of just 210,000, despite high hopes” 12/03/21
Read the full article by Jeff Cox with CNBC here.
- President Donald J. Trump
Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America 12/03/21
America fell 340,000 jobs short of the very modest expectations set by economists. That’s because Joe Biden is a one trick pony, “Get the vaccine.” But no one trusts this administration. I developed the vaccine when everyone said it wasn’t possible, now without “Trump,” that’s their only solution. This administration is destroying America before our very eyes because there is no leadership. Besides my vaccine, this is the administration of no jobs and massive layoffs, high gas and energy prices, high crime, empty shelves, open borders, and a horrendous surrender and evacuation from Afghanistan. A lot of effort and money went into RIGGING the 2020 Presidential Election, only to destroy the Country. Was it worth it?
- President Donald J. Trump
ICYMI: “State Department officials fume over Blinken’s Afghanistan ‘management failures’” 12/03/21
Read the full article by Joel Gehrke with the Washington Examiner here.
- President Donald J. Trump
ICYMI: “Barry Diller’s companies try to undermine witnesses in Tinder co-founder’s $2B suit” 12/03/21
Read the full article by Theo Wayt with the New York Post here.
- President Donald J. Trump
ICYMI: “Exclusive: Donald Trump Already Sold 100,000 Copies of Book, 50 Times More than Chris Christie Book” 12/02/21
Read the full article by Matthew Boyle with Breitbart here.
- President Donald J. Trump
ICYMI: “Sorry, but Hunter Biden’s profiteering matters—even if the rest of the press ignore it” 12/02/21
Read the full article from the New York Post here.
- President Donald J. Trump
ICYMI: “Trump calls for National Guard to help stop ‘smash-and-grab’ looting: ‘It is all not even believable’” 12/02/21
Read the full article by Matthew Miller with the Washington Examiner here.
- President Donald J. Trump
ICYMI: “Trump Slams Biden for Ignoring Kosovo-Serbia Agreement” 12/02/21
Read the full article by Charlie McCarthy with Newsmax here.
- President Donald J. Trump
ICYMI: “Media helped hide the real Joe Biden by censoring Hunter stories: Devine” 12/02/21
Read the full article by Miranda Devine with the New York Post here.
- President Donald J. Trump
ICYMI: “When Will The New York Times and The Washington Post Return Their 2018 Pulitzers?” 12/02/21
Read the full article by Roger L. Smith with the Epoch Times here.
- President Donald J. Trump
ICYMI: “Joe Biden was involved in a deal with a Chinese giant—and was expecting a 10 percent cut” 12/02/21
Read the full article by Miranda Devine with the New York Post here.
- President Donald J. Trump
Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America 12/01/21
Stacey “The Hoax” Abrams has just announced that she’s running for Governor of Georgia. I beat her single-handedly, without much of a candidate, in 2018. I’ll beat her again, but it will be hard to do with Brian Kemp, because the MAGA base will just not vote for him after what he did with respect to Election Integrity and two horribly run elections, for President and then two Senate seats. But some good Republican will run, and some good Republican will get my endorsement, and some good Republican will WIN!
- President Donald J. Trump
Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America 12/01/21
Stacey “The Hoax” Abrams has just announced that she’s running for Governor of Georgia. I beat her single-handedly, without much of a candidate, in 2018. I’ll beat her again, but it will be hard to do with Brian Kemp, because the MAGA base will just not vote for him after what he did with respect to Election Integrity and two horribly run elections, for President and then two Senate seats. But some good Republican will run, and some good Republican will get my endorsement, and some good Republican will WIN!
- President Donald J. Trump
Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America 12/01/21
RINO Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker has announced that, because I didn’t endorse him and he is incapable of getting the Republican nomination, he will not be running for reelection. He’s been very selfish, and is bad news for the Republican Party—actually, he shouldn’t even be considered a Republican. We wish him well!
- President Donald J. Trump
ICYMI: “Vehement anti-Trump group donated $85k to Atlanta election judges, now auditors want some repaid” 12/01/21
Read the full article by John Solomon with Just the News here.
- President Donald J. Trump
Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America 12/01/21
The story of me having COVID prior to, or during, the first debate is Fake News. In fact, a test revealed that I did not have COVID prior to the debate.
- President Donald J. Trump
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