Page 117 - Trump Never Give Up: How I Turned My Biggest Challenges into Success
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Thinking takes energy and it shouldn’t be wasted dwelling
on the wrong things. For every problem there is a solution, and
capable people will look for that solution. Make sure you’re one
of the capable people.
Getting to the point is sometimes just a matter of asking
yourself the right questions and answering them honestly. I
remember an old friend who was miserable in his work, going on
about his travails, when I had repeatedly told him he was in the
wrong profession to begin with. I finally became very abrupt
with him and told him he was a big time loser. That was cutting
to the quick, and I meant to—because I wanted to get him to
change. In this case, it actually worked. I got him to focus on
the solution, not his problems, and now he has a successful and
happy life. Sometimes bluntness is necessary to make a point
that isn’t being heard.
For those of you who have watched The Apprentice, you know
what goes on in the boardroom. Very often, it sounds like a
revved up soap opera with everyone going at each other at once.
What you don’t see is that sometimes it goes on for hours, and I
mean hours. The number of stories, and opinions, and inside
dramas that don’t make the final cut are truly unbelievable.
When it’s been edited down enough to fit the hourly format,
you see the most important points that were pivotal in allowing
me and my advisors to make a decision. The rest of it becomes
inconsequential, like background noise—very loud background
noise. My point here is that we can all do a little editing our-
selves (of our own unnecessary chatter) when it comes to mak-
ing a decision.
Stay focused on solutions to problems, not details. That’s
the power of focus. Use it!