Page 136 - Trump Never Give Up: How I Turned My Biggest Challenges into Success
P. 136

trum_c28.qxd  11/30/07  4:04 PM  Page 115


                             H OW TO D E-S TRESS

                       veryone has his or her own way of letting off steam, letting
                   Ego of tension, and changing thinking patterns. Whatever
                   works for you is the best choice, as long as it’s not self-
                   destructive or destructive to others. That’s why I like to golf.
                   Golf is a brain game, but it can be totally relaxing at the same
                   time. I find it opens my mind to new possibilities, and I can
                   problem solve very effectively while I’m on the golf course.
                       What I do in the office at times is to practice my swing, or
                   I’ll just pick up a golf club and think about the game. That
                   action alone is a breath of fresh air—even if it’s office air—and
                   helps me see things creatively or in a new light. I know that
                   some people find music or exercise does that for them, but for
                   me it’s golf.
                       Another way to de-stress is to replace negatives with posi-
                   tives. This applies in many areas, for example, I try to surround
                   myself with positive people and get rid of the negative types.

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