Page 146 - Trump Never Give Up: How I Turned My Biggest Challenges into Success
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ometimes it pays to take the time to set the record straight.
SWhen the New York Times published a review of a book that
included some juvenile remarks about me, I was inspired to write
them a letter. The book review didn’t merit a letter, but I enjoy
writing when I can set the record straight or make a point. The
letter was published by the New York Times, and, as it turns out,
was named “Best Letter of the Year to the New York Times
Book Review” by New York magazine.
It may have been a condescending letter but so were the
reviewer’s remarks. Why did I take the time to write it? Because
it mattered and because I don’t give up! In fact, here is a copy of
the letter for you for future reference—in case this ever happens
to you. I hope it doesn’t, but remember to do something about it
if it does. You just might win a citation for your efforts, in addi-
tion to setting things straight. Creating win-win situations for