Page 32 - Trump Never Give Up: How I Turned My Biggest Challenges into Success
P. 32

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                                         T HE A PPRENTICE

                       Fortunately, the show was a sensation. It became the number
                   one show very quickly. Everyone was excited about it and so was
                   I—but I was also relieved. It was a big chance to take. It’s one
                   thing if you’re not well known and your show tanks, but if
                   you’re already famous, the sting is worse. If I hadn’t decided to
                   take the risk, go against my advisors, and do the show, none of
                   this would have happened. One side effect is that my brand
                   became far better known around the whole world, and there was
                   an amazing media interest in everything I did. That’s another
                   form of free advertising. It worked to my benefit as a business-
                   man as well. So when I advise you to take risks, there’s a reason
                   for it.

                                     C OACH T RUMP

                              M AKE I T H APPEN IN Y OUR L IFE

                       I often tell people that I listen to everyone, but the deci-
                       sion will ultimately be mine. That’s a good way to be in
                       life and in business. Listen to others, but never negate
                       your own instincts. If I’d listened to everyone, The
                       Apprentice would have never happened. We’ve had six
                       great seasons, and we’re getting ready to tape the sev-
                       enth now. It continues to be a tremendous experience
                       for me and for everyone involved. Not bad for a big mis-
                       take! However, when you do take risks, since they won’t
                       always work out, you better make sure the upside is big.

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