Page 29 - Trump Never Give Up: How I Turned My Biggest Challenges into Success
P. 29

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                        T HE A PPRENTICE WAS

                           S UPPOSED TO B EA

                                 B IG M ISTAKE

                        Ge t the Be s t Ad vice You Ca n,

                              The n Tr us t Your Gut

                       hen reality shows hit the scene a few years back, I found
               W the premise interesting but I definitely wasn’t interested
               in doing one. Even when I had been approached multiple times
               to do a show, I found the ideas boring and stupid. To have cam-
               eras following me around, to watch me brush my teeth, comb
               my hair, conduct meetings, and eat lunch at my desk seemed like
               an unnecessary interference. I turned them all down without a
               second thought.
                   Then a couple of years later, I was asked by Les Moonves,
               the head of CBS Entertainment, for permission to film the live
               finale of Survivor at Wollman Rink in Central Park. (After I

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