Page 120 - The Way to the Top
P. 120
Richard L. KINZEL
Chairman, President, and CEO of Cedar Fair, L.P.
Having no formal college education and starting at Cedar Fair as a food
service supervisor in 1972, I had to learn from experience, mentors, and
business associates.
Shortly after being named President and CEO in 1986, I heard a
comment I have tried to live by and have preached to my general
managers: “Pigs get fat and hogs get slaughtered.” That is, businesses,
empires, and families can be destroyed by greed. In business, greed can
manifest itself in pricing, investing, and capital expenditures. In one’s
personal life, greed can cause a lack of balance between professional
responsibilities and family obligations. Greed must be ultimately
controlled by good common sense.
Pigs get fat and hogs get slaughtered