Page 127 - Why We Want You To Be Rich - Donald Trump, Robert Kiyosaki.pdf
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      answers, but I have yet to find the one answer that makes me feel
      comfortable, safe and secure. These are questions true students know they
      will probably never find the right answer to -  because there is always a
      better answer. We know we can alwaysget better.
          It is the search for the answer -  the answer I may never find -  that
      makes me rich. It is the search that keeps me going, getting richer and not
      retiring, even though I have the money to retire on. You see, it is not the
      quest for money that makes me rich. It is the quest for knowledge. It is the
      desire to learn more, do more, accomplish more and help those who want to
      learn that drives me ... and money isjust the score, a measure to tell me how
      we are doing. Money is the celebration ofsuccess,just as the lack ofmoney
      isthe reminder that we need to learn more. Just as a traveler watches for mile
      markers, I look at money simply as a marker - a marker that measures the
      journey and distance traveled.
          Tiger Woods may appear to play for money because he has so much of
      it. Yet,ifyou ask him, he sayshe plays to master the game ... and money is
      his measure ofhis mastery. I would guess that the Rolling Stones tour not
      because they love the money, but because they love to entertain. Ifthey did
      not entertain, life for them might be over. Many an ex-football star would
      playthe game for free, ifhe were young and healthy enough to just get back
      in the game.
    • '   A great book I read recently is The War ofArt by Steven Pressfield. I
      recommend this book for anyone who knows that their life is a journey, not
      a destination. In The U'ltr ofArt, Pressfield says, "Many people think
      amateurs do not play for money, but they play for the love ofthe game. In
      reality, the reason amateurs are amateurs is because they do not love the
      gameenough." Pressfield'smain point is that you must overcome resistance
      in order to achieve your "unlived life within." He discusses the types of
      resistance that confront us and reveals how often it is self-imposed. What is
      his advice? He recommends:
      ,(ii   1. Loving what you do
    "        2. Having patience
             3. Acting in the face offear

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