Page 128 - Why We Want You To Be Rich - Donald Trump, Robert Kiyosaki.pdf
P. 128


                                                                                I believe I win at the game of money
                                                                            because I love the game. When I was
                                                  In The War ofArt,         younger, I worked for free because I
                                               Steven Pressfield says       wanted to learn the game. Today, I go past
                                                                            golfcourses and basketball courts and I see
                                                "Many people think
                                                                            young and not-so-young people playing
                                                amateurs do not play        for free, often paying to play because they

                                                      for money,            love the game so much.
                                                                                I study and practice because I love the
                                                but they play for the
                                                                            game and because I want to win. I have
                                                love of thegame. In
                                                                            read and studied the history ofthe game,
                                                  reality, the reason       knowing I will never know as much as I

                                                     amateurs are           need to know. I study the rules, and I study
                                                                            the players. I know my competition, and I
                                                amateurs is because
                                                                            study them because I respect them. Long
                                                they do not love the
                                                                            before I met Donald Trump, I read his
                                                   game enough."            books and followed his successesaswell as

                                                    - Robert T. Kiyosaki    his failures. I also studied Steve Jobs,
                                                                            founder of Apple, and Richard Branson,
                                                 ~]liilli••••••••II.i.      founder of Virgin. As you can tell, I
                                                                            studied the rebel leaders of business, not
                                               the conformists. To me, conformists are boring.
                                                  Like it or not, all ofus are in this game ofmoney. Regardless ofwhether
                                               you are rich or poor, living in the United States, Asia, Europe, Africa, South
                                               America, Canada or wherever, we are all in this game ofmoney. The winners
                                               of the game are those who love the game the most. Ifyou do not love the
                                               game, get out. There is probably something more useful for you to do,
                                               something more exciting for you.
                                                  Donald Trump and I win much more than we lose simply because we
                                               love the game. Ifyou do not love the game and do not want to study and
                                               learn, Donald and I recommend you find someone who is as dedicated to
                                               winning (and dedicated to studying) and turn your money over to that
                                               person, once you have found him or her.

                                               WHY WE WANT You To BE RICH
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