Page 146 - Why We Want You To Be Rich - Donald Trump, Robert Kiyosaki.pdf
P. 146


                                                                          IIr    this be the way that God, or our

                                                  It requires both sides        maker, delivers new information to us
                                                                                as a species? Could this be the theory
                                                   of your brain to be
                                                                                behind the term "brainstorm"?
                                                        successful.                 As a society, we tend to think of
                                                                                left-brained people as smart and right-
                                                   Taking control and           brained people as Rakey. We tend to
                                                being creative requires         value people who are left-brained
                                                                                more than right-brained, typically by
                                                      both financial
                                                                                paying them more. That is why
                                                     education ancf'            accountants,   attorneys,  doctors,

                                                        experrence              dentists and MBAs are generally paid
                                                                                more in corporate America.
                                                                    Kiyosaki        1£ as a society, we have tended to
                                                                                assign more financial value to people
                                                                                who are left-brain dominant than
                                               those who are right-brain dominant, that trend may be changing. In his
                                               book, A Whole New Mind, Daniel Pink writes about the shift in value today
                                               away from left-brain people to right-brain people. He states:

                                                       "The future belongs to a very different kind ofperson with a very
                                                       different kind of mind -  creators and ernpathizers, pattern
                                                       recognizers and meaning makers. These people ... will now reap
                                                       society's richest rewards and share its greatest joys."

                                               Creativity Makes You Rich

                                                   Understanding the functions of the left-brain and the right-brain is
                                               important because creativity has the power to make us very rich.
                                                   I find it interesting that the investments most people invest in -
                                               investments such as savings, stocks, bonds and mutual funds -  do not
                                               require creativity. In fact, as an ordinary investor, ifyou try to get creative
                                               with these investments, you might wind up in jail. The federal government,
                                               through agencies such as the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC),

                                               WHY WE WANT You To BE RICH
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