Page 147 - Why We Want You To Be Rich - Donald Trump, Robert Kiyosaki.pdf
P. 147
becomes the watchdog against any kind ofcreativity. The SEC watches over
the people selling these investments - people such as bankers, stockbrokers
and financial planners - to make sure its rules are followed. In many ways,
investments such as savings, stocks, bonds and mutual funds are perfect for
left-brain people.
Real estate and businesses, on the other hand, are ideal for right-brain
people. In fact, the more creative you are, the better your chances of
becoming rich. Let me give you a few examples ofcreativity.
1. If! were to savemoney or invest in bonds, it would be the bank that
sets the interest rate. In real estate, there are many times I determine
the amount ofinterest I can collect.
2. When it comes to income, I can increase or decrease my income
with real estate or business as I see fit. With stocks, bonds and
mutual funds, other people determine how much income I earn.
3. When it comes to taxes, if I were to sell paper assets, I would have
very little control over taxes. With real estate and business, I can
control when I pay my taxes, ifever, and how much I pay. The tax
laws are written to support re-investment into one's business or real
4. I can change the use ofa property asset. For example, if! look at 10
acres ofland as a farmer, I might be willing to pay $1,000 per acre.
If! look at the same 10 acres ofland as a developer, I can change the
zoning, which would make that same piece ofland worth $10,000
per acre.
5. I can use my connections and "inside information" to trade a piece
ofproperty or a small business. IfI use such "inside information" to
trade a security, it may be illegal.
6. I can take a bad piece ofproperty, add some decorative touches, such
as paint, and increase the value ofthe property.
And the list goes on and on. How much you make and how you do it is
...... Two MEN • ONE MES_SA_GE _