Page 176 - Why We Want You To Be Rich - Donald Trump, Robert Kiyosaki.pdf
P. 176
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my bnl f,-iend ]."d '"'' IIl~- le. l d...:!',_ 1decided I" (.,110'" ill 11l~- rieb J...:!',
fooh lep, bee. """ he J id nol k t hi' lu k of form.1 .,J"e.'i"n cr",h Ili'
e"rrep,""euri.1'P,nt or hi' de,ire to 'cull . "d n"'''I<...h.. "'" .nd me. I-o r
Ill""" uf yu" ,,-1>0:, Jon', . I,,'...:!y kno,,-. he uh,m"d ~' beu,ne one of the
ric"'-.., men '" H."..",
19- ~ ...... Jdin"'lt yeal to r me. Fino. kUUloC I kne"-I "-",,k!no<
folio,,· in my fuher" foo''''" Iner I rcalJLed ,hal lorof "., .1<0 m.:
,"'.r FRIS.-\. "'h,eh kJ '0the ..o l( kl, ,,-., eno'-ltd. ~- loCem!l 'hc "'miJ
mrOlJ!Uo m~' f.,hct-" <1.....1fux-,.-i. ,,"OUIJ k m~' p'........on. lhe: b<>b~'-boom
gClKuunl". ,hal "-ould befacing me "me plipll mv Jad ..'. ' fa.;,n!l_~k
!,eIKI"oon "! be !:king the: "-orld ... .."U·ed"nteJ. harJ...",hng:,
hulk'" poo:topk - in n"",Jofg"''ClTlltXtll or f...,ih·"'PP"'",....J DO( kno..,n!l
""""-to 'UI""'" hnOlnCl.lJy on lhri. .....'n. In me cununlt ye.'" <hen: ..-,jJbe
mdJion. of p<-opk.U me, !he worl.l ,,-ho. ,"', lou m~' d...:!. ",II befa.;i"g
me work! "'m"", much IIloney .lter. lit'C of h...-J """'k. 1i,,"'1t i" fu t ..l'
Iunnmg o",.
O utol ""p",'t. 1,•.-.ileJ he m~' f••her' J""'lh ,0publ,,J-, Ruh Poor /J.J.d.Some p<"'1,le mi"k IIl'- book "'., d",n l"'"tt'ul, Y"I,I . ", ,u,"
myJ...:! '''' uld bnn big cnou!Uo to ha"d!. ,h., 'c. l" ic' in ,he book. Hc
w.big ",.n III "'''''' ""a~', Ih.n ius' h"ighl'
[" ..n,c ,h" b'K,k ,n pi"k up ,hc lOf<h my f.lhcr ,-arri..d." .j..."" in"e the
Ii""t to ,dorm . "d "h..,!,,, ,he ""If,,n, ed ",,;ttjon.1'y"""" ,h.. " oh",kl<,
OU' oflo""h wnh Ih" "-,,,Id, . nJ in m~' opin io", nOIp,<'p. ri"lt m.,,~' of " UI
~""m t',. Ihe worlJ .hc;aJ, A, I h.w bo:en ,",vi"l: (." ~"''''' · "'·hy Joesn't
our ,,'h,>oI ,p','m teil<:h u' .bour money? Rcgudl",. 01wh",he' we.rc rich
or poor. ,,~n ,or no, "n.... d.(' one common dcnom,n.",r "'....11h.", "
nu,wc usc monn,·
n.\IE .\ Un. "''''Cl "o~' "'im • blannll. headl",c .1>..,,,, the
L'ni«J ~'.IC'l berlljl. J.opou' n>.rion. The =ick In the: m>.jtulne ".•' ~bou<
00'" our ..:ho.~ ~min".u:uo.. J,~i",me""'.""" number oik.J, Jrorrioq:
0 "', moch III d>c oMllC .-.~' Enron hiJ iu los""L The ...."k ""'"",:uely "al'"
<h.u ,he problem ru..b~-" much .-orK ,han It', been m ,he p.o.'" bee."""
dropo"" .u.b y do n<>l ha,,,, ,he hiP.-p.Y'inll. I..,rory Job. to ~ 10. Too....
\ \ H' \\. \\ ~"I ~'A 1u 81 h H