Page 175 - Why We Want You To Be Rich - Donald Trump, Robert Kiyosaki.pdf
P. 175


                                WHAT DID You LEARN FROM YOUR FATHER? I 169

      against the political machine that grips Hawaii), but his very own people, the
      men he brought up with him over the years, turned against him because
      they were so afraid oflosing their jobs. More than not working, it was the
      cowardice ofhis friends and their betrayal that destroyed his spirit. My dad
      was about SO years old at the time of his political defeat, and he never
      recovered from the loss.
          In 1974, I returned from Vietnam and found my dad sitting in his home,
      only in his fifties, a broken man. He had tried to make some money by
      purchasing a national ice cream franchise. He rook an early retirement and
      withdrew most ofhis savings and lost it all on the franchise. Ifnot for the
      small check he received from the State, and later from Social Security and
      Medicare, he would have been destitute.
          That was a defining moment for me. Seeing my dad, a man I loved and
      looked up to, sitting in his living room and watching television all day shook
      me. Here he was in the prime oflife, highly educated but with a broken
      spirit. As time went on, he got angrier at himselfand at the one-time friends
      that he felt had betrayed him.
          He was sitting there watchingTV                          iHS
      when he gave me the advice I talked
      about earlier: "Go back to school, get  We all have defining
      your master's degree, then your Ph.D.
                                                moments. It is in
      and get a job with the government."
                                              these moments that
      He was sincere in his recornmenda-
      tion. That was what he had done.          we find our true
      After all, he believed in education. He  characters. We become
      had dedicated his life to it.
                                              heroes or cowards;
          At that moment, I realized that
                                              truth tellers or liars;
      education was missing something
      vital. Our traditional education did     we go forward or
      not prepare us for the real world. It    we go backward.
      prepared us to be employees. It was
      then that I knew I would follow in the       - Robert T. Kiyosaki
      footsteps ofmy rich dad(the father of

                                                   Two MEN • ONE MESSAGE
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