Page 184 - Why We Want You To Be Rich - Donald Trump, Robert Kiyosaki.pdf
P. 184

Donald 's Response

                                               The Mother Of All Advice

                                                  My mot~r wa~ of XOUJl,h t>entage. an(! ~I>p ga~ me some l.agEo
                                               adVICe t!\at I ha~ alway5 mee to fotlow:
                                                  -Trur;t In God and be tne to yoorr;elf.-
                                                  That covees a lot of terntory. and I thmk It can ~p give ..... a
                                               strong seese of Idl'ot,ty wM e ~eepirlg the bIg pICture In mind. Wr;
                                               also so brtef thdt II war; eaW 10 rememcee, I must've bE't'fl lhlnk'rlg
                                               of my motl>E'r wtlE'n I hr~1 \.did 10 -thmk big.- They say breVl ty,~ ttJoeo
                                              r;ovI ot wit. but ,n also the key to a good memory.
                                                  My mother etIJoyE"(IlaVlr;t! scectecre . and ~he liked 10 watch the
                                               royal procew,om. and ceremonies from [ urope. Maybe my mo.-e
                                               flamboyant s'oe comes from her. even If ~he was scctcn and very
                                               careful With money and time . She always had IIIlit' to give to charity
                                               and needy ceoses. so her Interests were diverse yet weu-oetaoceo.
                                                  I like to thinlc mine are. too, and I'm a quiet glYer in meny ceses.
                                              Also, if you are famous and you give a lot and noisily. I can tell you
                                              your volume of requests for help - from everything from hot air
                                               balloon~ to ccucgc educations to surrener vacations  wtll escalate
                                              by the tens of thousands. There' s a lot to be loa,d for being low-key.
                                                  Welost a member of our famIly wtlt"n my elde r brother Fred died
                                                                               at the allt' of <12. That had a h~
                                                                               impact on me, and I saw the gnef
                                                                               my rereors endured. lor;,", a child
                                                      Irusr in Cod
                                                                               is neve< ear;y, no matter w!\at the"
                                                      and he true              age. It u always a r;hoc k, and it
                                                      to vouoelf.              aileen YOl.l every day lor rbe rest
                                                                               ot your hfe. I tlllOk I realIzed I'!o¥o'
                                                                               valuable life truly ,s. and      I
                                                                               deteflTl1nl!'d to m,\ke mlf"l(> the best
                                                                               I por;sIbly could lor mysell arld
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