Page 185 - Why We Want You To Be Rich - Donald Trump, Robert Kiyosaki.pdf
P. 185
thO~ around me, It was a defining moment In my 1,11'.
That is one 01 those qui!'t reasons for bl'mg the way I am. The
en<l r!"!>Olt may not always be so quiet, but the Impetus IS there bIg'
IImE.' because 01 this tess. I re u ctcser 10 my parenlS than eve-r and
II'tt rl"SpOnslbl!' for the" _1l·bI'll~and h3pp,~s al te- that terrtbte
I""l"fIt In their lives. Yes. It was hard for me , blJt ,t was much harder
Ie:- them.
My mother was a devout person, and she lived her faith. That
w~ a great e.amp{e to me as a child and as an adulL ShI' was "'-""1
strong and yet V'I'<y eeoue. and ve was etsc very humble. YIe !lave-
I"o'l"fYlhin!l she had WIthout reservanon. So when I spea~ so hIghly of
my parenls, you can ~ that there is!jOOd reason 10 .
My mother's acMe!' was simple blJt WIS!'. It cuts to IhI' (Ore and
ket'ps me focused and well·balanced. -Trust In God and be me to
y<Il.I"l.I'If.- It doesn't jet any better than thai.